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French President launches tech visa for start-ups

French President Emmanuel Macron has launched a technology visa for start-up founders employees and investors to create world-leading companies, reported CNBC.

The visa will make it easier for foreign talent to work in France while the new regulation will also support start-ups with money.

The fast-tracked procedure will allow individuals to obtain a residence permit in France know as the "Talent Passport". The permit will be valid for four years and will be extended to immediate family members.

"I want France to attract new entrepreneurs, new researchers, and be the nation for innovation and start-ups," Macron told CNBC on the sidelines of the Viva Tech conference in Paris.

"I want this country to become a country of unicorns," the French President added later during a keynote speech on Thursday, according to a translation.

The French president added that talent often leaves France as the environment in the country is not attractive enough.

"The key is training and keeping talent in the country."

Macron also proposed a European Venture Fund that can support start-ups as they grow.

Venture capital investment in France hit $1.6 billion in 2016, while it was $1.7bn in 2015.
