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Digicel Bermuda’s LTE rollout 90% complete

Mobile and fixed line operator Digicel Bermuda has provided an update on its ongoing 4G LTE network rollout, noting that work on the upgrade is now 90% complete. A spokeswoman for the company confirmed that customers with compatible SIM cards, devices and plans will automatically be transferred to an LTE service with speeds up to ten times faster than the current system, on completion. Further, ahead of the upcoming America’s Cup, Digicel Bermuda is installing several temporary cell sites in the West End of the island to handle the anticipated rise in demand for capacity.

Digicel Bermuda CEO Robin Seale told journalists that upgrading the network has been a key priority for the company. ‘After years of lobbying the Regulatory Authority [of Bermuda, RAB] for a fair share of spectrum, Digicel finally secured the necessary bandwidth to proceed with LTE at the end of last year and I am delighted to say we are ready to launch later this month.’

In a separate development, the operator has confirmed that work to deploy what it claims is the nation’s ‘first and only full’ fibre-to-the-home (FTTH, including households and business premises) network is on track and expected to be completed by end-2017. At that date, Digicel claims it will preside over the island’s ‘only true continuous fibre network with cables transporting amazing superfast uninterrupted speeds directly to … subscribers’.
