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Free Wi-Fi approved for schools, terminals, public places in Philippine

With a vote of 18-0, the Senate on Monday approved on third and final reading a bill that seeks to provide free internet access in public places, including schools and MRT stations, among others.

Senator Paolo Benigno “Bam” Aquino IV, sponsor of Senate Bill No. 1277 or the Free Internet Access in Public Places Act, said the meaure will complement the government’s approved national broadband plan.

In a News To Go interview, Aquino said the bill will speed up construction of telecommunications infrastructure across the country.

Initially, he said, free Wi-Fi in public places will “ride” on the “backbone” of private firms.

“Kasi, wala pa naman national broadband plan,” Aquino said. “Kung may government infrastructure in the future, doon naman kukuha ng internet for public places.”

The proposal seeks to provide free internet access in all national and local government offices; public schools, including state colleges and universities; public hospitals and health centers; public parks, plazas, and libraries; and airports, seaports, and transport terminals.

“Ang laking tulong nito for those looking for employment, para sa mga tourist areas natin, at mga estudyanteng kailangan ng tulong sa research,” Aquino said.

Senate President Pro Tempore Ralph Recto, a co-sponsor of the measure, said the bill not only makes internet services available to all Filipinos, but will make sure that broadband services are faster and more efficient.

"If Internet is a human right, then Wi-FI is a basic public service. But for it to become one, the hindrances which bar its full enjoyment by the people must first be removed," Recto said.

Recto said the proposal will “prevent the plug from being pulled” on the Free National Wi-Fi Project, which is now in full swing.

Recto noted that while trolls, fake news purveyors, and manufacturers of weapons of mass “distractions” ride on the same technology platform, "the damage to individual brains or collective consciousness they inflict is far smaller than the greater good that ICT brings."

"For every troll farm, there are millions of farmers whose lives have been made better by ICT. The truth is mass Wi-Fi services form part of the ICT solutions which can ease the pain caused by the many problems we confront today, if not make them totally go away,” Recto said.
