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Oman Broadband sets target at 130,000 units by year-end

Oman Broadband keeps an ambitious target of reaching to 130,000 houses by the end of 2016 as it already has access to 60,000 houses in Muscat. The national broadband company of the Sultanate aspires initially to assist the government to achieve its larger goal of e-government and serve the national aspiration of serving the people with the smartest possible broadband facility. This was stated by Hamood al Rashdi, Manager Business Relationship, during the opening of the Oman Broadband Exhibition at the Salalah Tourism Festival (STF). He called the occasion as reaching out to people and raise awareness about the service.

The exhibition opened under the auspices of Salim bin Aufit al Shanfari, Chairman of Dhofar Municipality, in presence of officials from the Ministry of Transport and Communication and telecom service providers.
"Our target is to cover 80 per cent of Muscat by 2020 and 95 per cent of the Sultanate's urban area by 2030," he said in his comments to Observer.

Commenting on current status of Oman Broadband, Al Rashdi said: "Currently we are doing optic fibre cabling in association with three telecom service providers -- Omantel, Ooredoo and Awasr."

"We are also assisting government service providers like power and water bodies in offering them the best possible links in their effort to serve the people in a better way and save cost on infrastructure," he said.

In another four years, Oman Broadband aspires to cover major part of the Sultanate, as the cabling of optic fibre has been going on a fast scale and the telecom service providers are offering "excellent cooperation".

After becoming fully operational, the Oman Broadband, according to Al Rashdi, would be able to cover the rural urban divide of fast and slow network, as the technology adopted herein is state-of-the-art with a capacity to serve across the Sultanate. The problems like limitations of spectrum and backhaul connectivity would be addressed with the installation of new towers.

The broadband services, according to Al Rashdi, have great value addition in the areas of public safety healthcare and education which ultimately would have positive reflection on the national economy.

"The broadband facility offers networking to vast online service facilities which helps people to connect for business and investment opportunities. It helps them negotiate and interact with clients and end service users in a better way," he said and added that the broadband facility also offers availability of quality content for all kinds of academic needs, diagnostic and therapeutic services and enhancing precautionary measures for public safety by supporting early warning systems and disaster readiness programmes.
