Bahrain is preparing to bring a big change in the telecom sector by permitting the establishment of environment friendly masts and towers in the Kingdom, it was announced yesterday.
Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA), as part of the plan, is developing a mast permitting project, which would also makes the Kingdom first in the MENA region to establish a complete regulatory and permitting framework in this regard.
This, according to TRA, should enable state-of-the-art telecommunications wireless networks and facilitating innovative and environment friendly small cells for paving the deployment of future technologies and services.
TRA is also working to introduce a centralised mast information system to maintain all masts information and automate the permitting processes. The system is expected to speed up the permitting process and provide on line performance monitoring dashboards.
This was revealed during a workshop held from 15 to 16 June 2016 at TRA’s headquarters with the participation of stakeholders to commence the permitting of new and existing masts and towers. The workshop was attended by representatives from the Ministry of Transportation and Telecommunications, the Ministry of Municipalities, the Supreme Council for Environment, the Civil Aviation Affairs and the Bahrain Defence Force.
Commenting on the move, TRA’s Director of Technical and Operations Mohamed Alnoaimi stated, “Since assigning the responsibility of governing and permitting telecommunications masts and towers by the new Prime Ministerial decision number 45 of 2015, TRA has worked closely with the government planning authorities to design necessary permitting processes and engineering specifications. It is expected that the new processes and specifications will enable the deployment of environment friendly towers while ensuring the availability of latest wireless technologies.”
Explaining further, Alnoaimi said, “In order to ensure the seamless implementation of the permitting process, TRA will sign a memorandum of understanding with the related government planning authorities.”
The Project Manager, Adel Alshowaikh, outlined that “In collaboration with the planning authorities, TRA has completed the design of all necessary business processes that should be used for permitting new and existing masts.”