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AT&T to stage outdoor 5G test this summer

US wireless giant AT&T Mobility has revealed extra details about its 5G plans, Mobile World Live reports, citing comments by Tom Keathley, Senior Vice President of Wireless Network Architecture & Design. The executive told the Brooklyn 5G Summit that AT&T will extend its current lab-based trials to outdoor tests in Austin, Texas, this summer. He is quoted as saying: ‘We’ll start with 15GHz tests and then move to 28GHz. It will predominantly be fixed-wireless … A main aim is to find out how millimetre wave technology works and then we’ll pour back the learnings into the standards work.’

As previously reported by TeleGeography’s CommsUpdate, in February this year AT&T unveiled plans to collaborate with Ericsson and Intel to work on 5G solutions in its labs. The telco noted that the trials will help guide its 5G standards contributions, and set the stage for widespread commercial availability – once the technology standards for 5G have actually been established.
