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3 in 4 telcos to deploy a converged service layer (CSL) by 2018

Three in four operators expect to deploy a converged service layer (CSL) by 2018 to help them provide a consistent set of services across their networks, according to telecoms software provider OpenCloud.

A study conducted for the company by Heavy Reading found that NFV and improved service agility are the main drivers for the growing interest in adopting a CSL.

A CSL is a service-layer architecture with the ability to provide real-time voice and video calling services independently of the access network technology being used. It can help operators overcome the complexity of managing legacy service layers for multiple cellular, Wi-Fi and wireline networks.

The study found that one in three operators are at the trial stage of CSL adoption, with a handful having already deployed. Within the next two years three in four operators are expected to have deployed CSL architecture.

More than half of operators considered the introduction of NFV to be a key technical driver of CSL deployment, and nearly as many (48%) felt the migration to NFV offered an ideal opportunity to introduce the technology. Around a third stated service agility was another key driver of CSL adoption.

“The survey results clearly demonstrate an active and growing interest in a converged service layer architecture that can serve multiple legacy and new access networks,” OpenCloud VP of marketing Jonathan Bell said.

“With a converged service layer, operators have the ability to deliver real-time voice and video-calling services regardless of the access network technology, meaning services may be delivered over 2G, 3G, 4G, Wi-Fi and in the future 5G connections.”
