Bhutanese cellco Tashicell has unveiled plans for its 4G launch, revealing that the service will be available in Thimphu, Paro and Phuntsholing from 2 April. Supporting the launch, the operator is offering discounts on eight 4G-enabled handsets. 4G SIMs are available from the cellco at a price of BTN500 (USD7.54) for new customers, BTN100 for existing post-paid customers and BTN300 for pre-paid users looking to upgrade. Post-paid SIMs include 1.5GB of data, whilst pre-paid SIMs include 1.5GB of data and BTN200 of credit. Tashicell is also offering LTE-compatible USB modems with price tags of BTN6,000 for post-paid customers and BTN5,500 for pre-paid users and including 15GB and 3.5GB of data respectively.