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Microsoft joins SAMENA Council as a member

SAMENA Council has announced that Microsoft has joined its membership as a global enabler of digital transformation, innovation, accessibility, and as a cross-market stakeholder.

As one of the world's most innovative companies in the world, Microsoft has now become a highly diversified company, focusing beyond the operating-system market and into cloud, IOT, IP-based communications services, video gaming, digital services, and is also a personal computing hardware maker. As one of the planet's foremost enablers of digital development for both businesses and citizens of the digital society, in a mobile first, cloud first world, Microsoft empowers people and organizations to achieve more through its cloud, productivity technologies, and innovation in personal computing.

Dr. Ashraf Abdelwahab, Director of Corporate & Legal Affairs for Gulf & Egypt, stated that "Our company has a global commitment of helping enterprises and citizens of the world realize their full potential. It is this belief and our corporate desire to contribute toward the world's digital progress that we have decided to join SAMENA Council's community of technology companies and telecommunications service providers. Microsoft is a leader in accessibility innovation and we have much to say on ICT integration in this region's business and socio-economic transformation, to help bring about required shifts in ICT policy framing."

Mr. Bocar BA, CEO of SAMENA Council said that "SAMENA Council's community of stakeholders in the digital space would not be complete without Microsoft. Like SAMENA Council, Microsoft believes in open dialogue and active participation on a wide array of critical issues and challenges, understanding which is not only important for our industry's future but also for the ultimate stakeholders - the consumers and our future generations. We are truly delighted by this pledge of industry involvement from Microsoft, and strongly feel that this association between SAMENA Council and Microsoft would serve to further both organization's missions."

As a major player in the global digital space, Microsoft will be able to leverage the Council’s regional and international reach as well as stakeholder relationship-building platforms and activities to its strategic advantage for conducting its business activities within the SAMENA region. Both organization anticipate collaborating on various ICT policy imperatives and in drawing industry-wide attention on critical business as well as accessibility fronts that are in line with both organization's visions of the future.

Source: SAMENA Council