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Expresso Telecom Group joins SAMENA Council as a member

SAMENA Council has announced that Expresso Telecom, a part of Sudatel Telecom Group, one of Africa's leading telecommunications and information services brands, has joined its community of telecom operators, technology providers, digital services companies, and other leading players within the digital space.

Expresso Telecom commercially operates in Senegal, Mauritania, Ghana, and Guinea, offering products as well as fixed line and mobile services that meet the needs of the businesses and citizens of Africa.

Upon becoming a member of SAMENA Council, Eng. Tarig Hamza Zainelabdin, CEO of Sudatel Group stated, "We believe that building strong partnership with key stakeholders and playing an active role in an ICT community are key to achieving long-term business sustainability. We want to develop mutually beneficial relationships with technology providers, other telecom players who have the experience that is aligned with our own vision, and we want to develop better understanding with government bodies."

Commenting on this partnership, Mr. Tarig Hamza Rahamtalla, Managing Director of Expresso, said “By joining SAMENA Council, we hope to enrich our awareness of industry matters and make our brand more visible, to be able to realize our objectives of achieving competitive edge as well as long-term financial profitability for our investors."

Bocar BA, CEO of SAMENA Council congratulated Expresso Telecom Group and said, "Mr. Tarig Rahamtalla's commitment to building a sustainable business in all of Expresso Telecom's market operations is precisely what telecom operator leaderships require, today. SAMENA Council not only understands business sustainability issues and the importance of incentivizing investment, we also are well-aware of the need for all industry players to come together and take unified positions on key issues that affect our business. Much can be achieved together when all industry players are united under a leading regional private-sector platform that is SAMENA Council. We are excited to see Mr. Rahamtalla in our cross-regional telecoms and ICT community."

As one of the newest and leading African telecommunications brands, Expresso Telecom will be able to leverage the Council’s regional and international reach as well as stakeholder relationship-building platforms and activities, which are designed to keep dialogue open to help encourage business friendly policy framing and investment in digital infrastructure development, and to enable partnership development among the stakeholders.

Source: SAMENA Council