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Bangladesh to create own national satellite capacity

The government of Bangladesh on Nov. 11 contracted with manufacturer Thales Alenia Space to build the Bangabandhu-1 telecommunications satellite, ushering a new nation into the large group of Asian countries with their own national satellite capacity. France- an Italy-based Thales Alenia Space bested a field of competitors that included Orbital ATK of the United States; MDA Corp. of Canada, teamed with its Space Systems/Loral builder in the United States; and China Great Wall Industry Corp. of Beijing. The contract, valued at $248 million, includes the construction of the 3,500-kilogram Bangabandhu-1, its launch — likely aboard a European Ariane 5 rocket — and the associated ground segment including satellite control and network operations centers. Loan guarantees have been provided by the French export credit agency, Coface.
