Ethio Telecom has rolled out cutting-edge 5G wireless network technology in the cities of Addis Ababa, Adama, Jigjiga, Dire Dawa, Harar, Bahir Dar, Hawassa and their environs, following the completion of the network site installations in various parts of the company South-Southwest Region, located in Wolaita Sodo, Hosaena and Arba Minch cities and their environs.
Customers particularly in areas such as Sodo University and Condominium Sefer, Commercial areas of Sodo Muluwongel sefer, Wolaita Zone Administrative Office, Haile Hotel, Sodo Ethio telecom office area, Agricultural College area, Sodo Christian Hospital Sefer including Commercial area, South Regional State Administrative Office and Lewi Hotel Resort areas can now access 5G mobile network services.
Customers in Hosaena municipality, Arada, Bethel church locations, International Hotels, City center, Hadiya Cultural Hall, Bezabih Petros Square, Central Ethiopia Regional Office, Gorgede sefer, Bethel sefer, Enat kalehiwot church sefer, TTC sefer, Naremo area and Naremo condominium, Wachemo University, Ambicho sefer, Mariam Church, EEU subsation, Shambelel Hotel, Mobile sefer, Woyada condominium, Gofermeda sefer and Real Estate areas, can also access 5G mobile network services.
Customers in areas like Arba Minch Lemlem Hotel, Wubete Grand Hotel sefer, Sikela Dashen bank, Tursit Hotel including Commercial Sefer, Arba Minch Hospital Sefer, Arba Minch University, Chamo Recreational area, Haile Hotel area and Arba Minch University main campus areas, will also be able to access 5G mobile network services.
Customers can enjoy and experience 5G mobile unlimited data, 5G to The Home, and a range of 5G mobile packages through the fastest network the operator has deployed. To access these services, customers will need compatible telecom equipment and handsets.