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Jordan’s Digital payments surge to record 19.2 billion dinars in eight months

Jordan has achieved a remarkable milestone in digital payments, registering transactions worth 19.2 billion dinars in just the first eight months of this year, according to a report from the Jordan Payment and Clearing Systems Company (Jopac). This figure represents a 54% increase compared to the same period last year, when transactions totaled 12.5 billion dinars.

The monthly report from Jopac highlights significant growth across various digital payment systems. The “Click” system led with 7.23 billion dinars in transactions, followed by “Jumobi” at 3.37 billion dinars, and “eFAWATEERcom” topping the charts with 8.56 billion dinars. Notably, “Click” and “Jumobi” were predominantly used for money transfers, accounting for over 80% of their combined transaction value, while “eFAWATEERcom” was mainly used for payments to government entities.

The total volume of transactions also reached a new high, with approximately 125.11 million transactions recorded across all platforms in the same period. Breakdowns reveal that “Click” processed about 16.1 million transactions, “Jumobi” managed over 15.4 million, and “eFAWATEERcom” saw about 33.5 million transactions.

The surge in digital transactions is mirrored by an increase in system users, indicating a shift towards electronic payment solutions among Jordanians for their convenience and efficiency. By the end of August, “Click” had registered around 1.52 million users. This growth is reflective of a broader adoption of digital financial transactions in Jordan, driven by technological advancements and enhanced consumer preferences for digital solutions.

This transformative growth in Jordan’s financial sector showcases the country’s rapid adaptation to and integration of digital payment technologies, setting new benchmarks in the industry.
