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Oman’s telecommunications sector achieves RO221.9 million investment in 2023

The Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA) has reported that total investments in Oman’s telecommunications sector reached RO221.9 million in 2023. This investment was distributed across various services, with 37% allocated to fixed telecommunications services, 53.7% to mobile services, and 9.3% to other services.

In its annual report, the TRA highlighted the launch of 12 public consultation documents in 2023. These documents were part of efforts to involve beneficiaries and stakeholders, ensuring that the regulatory environment remains flexible and responsive to industry developments.

The report also revealed that beneficiaries filed 2,972 grievances in 2023, broken down as follows: 1,860 complaints related to billing, 831 concerned service quality, 111 involved promotional offers, and 170 were about numbers.

Telecommunications Sector Growth

Throughout 2023, the telecommunications sector expanded broadband coverage across Oman. The number of fifth-generation (5G) stations reached 5,238, while fiber optic networks now cover 773,589 residential units. Additionally, the total number of valid communications permits issued in 2023 stood at 377, which included licenses for tracking and geolocation services, Internet of Things (IoT) services, and the implementation of communications services, among others.

Growth in Postal Services

The TRA also issued licenses to 15 new companies providing postal services, bringing the total to 63 licensed companies in the sector by 2023. This growth has resulted in over 1,624 new job opportunities, with 1,223 positions filled by Omanis.

Key Achievements in 2023

The year 2023 marked several significant accomplishments for Oman’s telecommunications sector. The TRA was recognized among the top government units for the year, achieved high scores in the “Institutional Excellence System” indicators, and received multiple awards, including the Digital Government Award for the Best Digital Community Participation Project from the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC). The authority also won the Excellence Award in Enabling Market Growth from the SAMENA Telecommunications Council and the Best Institution Achieving Government Digital Transformation Award as part of the Digital Excellence Award in the Government Sector for 2024.
