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Orange Liberia boosts rural connectivity with new 2G/4G sites

Orange Liberia and ZTE said that they have successfully completed a project to build new base station sites in rural areas across the country that they say significantly enhances network coverage in those areas.

The project involved installing 128 sites using low-power-consumption, wide-coverage wireless base station equipment supporting the 800-MHz and 900-MHz bands for 2G voice services and 4G data services. According to ZTE, the project took just three months to complete.

The sites – which ZTE isbranding as “RuralPilot EcoSites” – integrate solar energy and smart lithium batteries, enhanced with ZTE’s PowerPilot AI energy-saving software for better energy efficiency. The sites also support flexible backhaul connectivity options, including microwave, satellite, and 4G relay technology.

Orange Liberia CEO Jean Marius Yao said the project will benefit the over 580,000 rural subscribers covered by the new sites.

"The newly built communication sites will provide strong support for the economic and social development of Liberia's rural areas,” Yao said in a statement. “Orange Liberia remains dedicated to offering convenient and high-quality communication services to its customers.”
