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:.Daily News Briefing.:

July 27, 2016


  1. Etisalat Group reports net profit increase of 51% compared to the same period last year
    Member Logo The operator was the first company in the region to roll out 4G-LTE, with now around 95% of the UAE’s populated areas covered by faster speeds...  Read More
  2. Sudani renews its sponsorship of Mashrouy for the 4th season
    Member Logo Mashrouy is a successful program designed for the Sudanese young people, targeted by the company. The aim is to prove that despite the challenges facing them, they can translate their dreams into realities...  Read More

Policy and Regulation

  1. Commission sets 3.0% floor for spectrum usage charge
    Many operators – notably incumbents such as Bharti Airtel, Vodafone India and Idea Cellular – had requested the introduction of a flat SUC for all operators and across all bands, but the Telecom Commission was forced to reject the request on the basis that it could not increase the charge for broadband wireless access (BWA) spectrum in the 2300MHz band... Read More
  2. CITC starts disconnecting unregistered SIMs
    The regulator said in its most recent report for the first quarter of 2016 that it expects a continued decline in the number of mobile subscriptions (standing at 50.9 million at the time) in the coming periods, as a direct result of the new registration programme... Read More

South Asia

  1. Telenor formally handed 850 MHz spectrum in Pakistan
    Technology neutral licence for the 10 MHz-850 MHz frequency spectrum has been handed over to the successful bidder, Telenor Pakistan, on Wednesday, making way for the company to become the third 4G operator in the country... Read More

Middle East

  1. Turkish firms unite powers for fiber network
    The infrastructure for this gigabyte community will also be provided with Internet access at rates of 1GB and higher for people and institutions... Read More

North Africa

  1. Rwanda telco rebrands as it expands to the rest of Africa
    Three mobile operators, Airtel, MTN and Tigo, use KTRN’s infrastructure to offer 4G services. The wholesale network is also used by a number of internet service providers... Read More

3G, 4G & Beyond

  1. Telkom warns of congestion in TD-LTE network
    South African operator Telkom is experiencing congestion on some sections of its 4G time division duplex LTE (TD-LTE) network operating in the 2300MHz band, due to an ‘unprecedented increase’ in demand in busier metropolitan areas... Read More

OTT, Alternative Telecom

  1. iOS OTT app enables pay-per-view
    Based in Barcelona, the Rakuten-owned platform has ambitious plans for the future, as it’s extending its availability across Europe. Already having a strong position in the UK, is also present in France, Germany, Italy, Ireland and Austria... Read More

Mobile Content, Mobile TV & IPTV

  1. Fibre works for Orange in Spain as it triples IPTV, broadband subs
    Already consolidated as mobile player with 15.67 million accesses, Orange has also reached 3.83 million broadband subscriptions, of which 1.22 million are FTTH (2.9 times more than by Q2 2105)... Read More

Global Telecom Update

  1. Verizon plans $6.15 billion bond deal to refinance
    Verizon Communications Inc. is selling $6.15 billion of bonds to take advantage of some of the lowest borrowing costs in more than a year... Read More

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