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:.Daily News Briefing.:

June 6, 2016


  1. Zain publishes fifth annual sustainability report entitled ‘Building the Future’
    Member Logo The report illustrates Zain’s ongoing commitment to align its policies and activities with the Post-2015 Sustainable Development Goals, and the document communicates Zain’s triple bottom line approach (social, environmental and economic) to all stakeholders...  Read More
  2. Ooredoo Qatar launches Ramadan entertainment
    Member Logo For even more content, existing Mozaic TV customers can simply upgrade to Ooredoo TV for free and obtain two months of free subscription to the Starzplay service...  Read More

Policy and Regulation

  1. EU telecom regulators see free Internet services as next battle
    BEREC, the body comprising the European Union's 28 telecoms regulators, on Monday produced a set of draft guidelines on implementing the net neutrality rules which require operators such as Orange, Deutsche Telekom and Telefonica to treat all Internet traffic equally... Read More
  2. Trai seeks to give telcos better access to buildings
    The paper has sought stakeholders' responses on whether the sharing of telecom infrastructure should be made mandatory and what practices should be included in the National Building Code to facilitate equal and unrestricted access for all telecom service providers... Read More

South Asia

  1. Digital health service launched in Bangladesh
    Telenor has been present in the country since 1997 and now serves more than 185 million customers across Asia. The company established Telenor Health to scale Tonic and other digital health services to other markets upon success in Bangladesh... Read More

Middle East

  1. Expo 2020 Dubai partnerships raise millions
    Expo 2020 Dubai is looking to work with companies that have already demonstrated their commitment to social development, while facilitating innovation and human ingenuity. As a convening platform, Expo 2020 Dubai seeks to accelerate the development of cutting-edge solutions to some of the world’s biggest challenges... Read More

North Africa

  1. IHS invests $500 million in energy for telecoms sector in Africa
    The telecommunications industry and other sectors of the Nigerian economy, and across other African countries, would require between $60 billion and $90 billion annually to address their energy shortfall... Read More
  2. Tunisie Telecom shares to be floated
    The funds will be used to help drive international expansion, with the operator set to acquire GO Malta, as well as its domestic development plans... Read More

3G, 4G & Beyond

  1. Singapore introduces new 4G Quality of Service standards
    4G-enabled phones have become more common in Singapore, with more than half of the total mobile users turning to 4G networks for faster connectivity to meet their usage needs... Read More

OTT, Alternative Telecom

  1. Verizon to bid $3 billion for Yahoo's internet business
    Verizon Communications Inc plans to submit a second-round bid, and Yahoo is expected to hold at least one more round of bidding, and the offers could change by the final round... Read More

Mobile Content, Mobile TV & IPTV

  1. ALTV begins streaming video service with MENA rollout
    ALTV is solving the growing global challenge being faced in areas of the world that are currently underserved – connecting creative content developers to engaged audiences. It provides a platform to help train and empower talented individuals and gives them the ability to distribute their content to a huge audience... Read More

Global Telecom Update

  1. 1 in 3 POS terminals to be mobile by 2021
    Smartphone and tablet-based mobile point-of sale (POS) terminals will handle 40% of all retail transaction value by 2021, up from an expected 12% in 2016, a new study from Juniper Research showed... Read More
  2. Telecoms and smart city deployment
    There is a role for service providers and vendors, but all parties must recognise the impact of city procurement processes, and of the financial models that govern capital infrastructure and operations... Read More

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