Page 22 - SAMENA Trends - September 2023
P. 22


                                             AT&T and the United Way of Metro Dallas Help

                                             Bridge Digital Divide

        AT&T and the United Way of Metropolitan   of jobs in the U.S. require digital skills. The   the curb of McDonald’s to access the inter-
        Dallas have long shared a common vision:   stakes have never been higher. According   net,”  Gonzalez  says.  “The  Digital  Bridges
        to connect those we serve to greater pos-  to research:                  funding  will  give my organization  the  op-
        sibilities. We know when we help connect   •   27% of adults with household incomes of   portunity  to  reimagine  what  the  learning
        people to technology, it can be a bridge to   $30,000 or less lack home broadband  space at our center will look like. Equipping
        opportunity. That’s  why we’re contributing   •   One-third of Americans lack basic digital   kids with technology to explore and grow
        another $1 million over the next two years   skills;  Black  and Hispanic  workers are   could provide  endless  opportunities.”  All
        to the United Way of Metropolitan Dallas in   overrepresented in this group.  told, the new Digital Bridges collaboration
        support of the new Digital Bridges program   Our goal is to change these numbers, but   will touch more than 30,000 lives in the Dal-
        focused on southern Dallas. This contribu-  it takes collaboration to move the needle.   las community by:
        tion adds to the $1.2 million we previously   Combining  our  digital  divide  efforts  with   •  Providing more than 4,200 computers to
        made to support the distribution of 2,000   the United Way of Metropolitan Dallas and   those in need.
        free  laptops, digital  literacy training  and   other contributors means  greater  impact.   •  Creating  computer  labs  in  communi-
        technology help for residents served by the   And working with credible nonprofit organi-  ty-based organizations.
        nonprofit.  This  new  contribution  will  help   zations in the southern Dallas community   •  Offering digital literacy training to nearly
        the United Way add more community nav-  means  effective  reach.  We’ll  be  working   3,000 individuals.
        igators in the southern Dallas community.   with  community organizations,  like  the   Helping more than 15,000 residents enroll
        Thousands of families will receive a laptop   Puede Network, Jubilee Park and Commu-  in the Affordable Connectivity Program. We
        and  assistance  from a  trained  navigator   nity Center, libraries, and dozens of others   remain vigilant in tackling the digital divide
        who can provide digital literacy training to   to connect more of the underserved. Adan   in Dallas and nationwide through our AT&T
        help with important tasks like enrolling in   Gonzalez,  the  founder  of Puede  Network,   Connected  Learning®  initiative, which
        health care and the Affordable Connectivity   knows all too well what it’s like to live in the   helps people get computers and connectiv-
        Program, which can cover the cost of inter-  digital  divide.  He  was  raised  in  the  South   ity, gain skills to use the internet effectively,
        net service for those eligible. We’re joined   Oak  Cliff  neighborhood of Dallas  and  re-  and embrace the internet so they can reap
        in  this  effort  by major contributions  from   calls applying for college using a borrowed   its vast benefits. This is how we build the
        Texas Instruments Foundation, the Richard   laptop and Wi-Fi from a nearby restaurant.   bridge to possibilities. United is how we will
        and  Mary  Templeton Foundation  and  the   “I don’t want another kid to have to sit on   get there.
        Eugene  McDermott Foundation.  Together,
        we aim to deliver the benefits of connectiv-
        ity in southern Dallas to those on the wrong
        side  of the  digital  divide.  Unfortunately,
        those who lack access to the internet are
        automatically excluded from many aspects
        of daily life – including access to job open-
        ings, online learning and education resourc-
        es,  digital  health  care  and  more. Across
        the  nation,  we  are  becoming  increasingly
        reliant  on digital  technology. In fact, the
        National  Skills  Coalition  reports  that  92%

        AT&T and Pinoleville Pomo Nation Celebrate Opening of New Connected
        Learning Center to Help Bridge the Digital Divide

                                             AT&T is opening a new Connected Learning   Club  for additional  support  of the  center.
                                             Center  inside  the  Boys  &  Girls  Club  of   The  opening  of the  Connected Learning
                                             Pinoleville Pomo Nation in Ukiah to provide   Center  is  part  of AT&T’s  commitment to
                                             internet  access and  education  tools to   help bridge the digital divide in California,
                                             those  who face connectivity  barriers   which  includes  investing  into programs
                                             holding them back from participating in the   that help people and communities develop
                                             digital  world.  In  addition,  AT&T has  made   digital literacy skills to thrive in our modern
                                             a $50,000 contribution to the Boys & Girls   world.  This  is  the  second Connected

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