Page 86 - SAMENA Trends - September 2019
P. 86


        Sri Lankan e-Commerce Reforms to Improve Sales for Small Businesses

        Sri Lankan e-commerce reforms underway   have  the ability  and resources to  get   management of e-commerce, with a policy
        in are aimed at  encouraging  more   around  the problem  be it  e-commerce   framework, e-commerce offers significant
        transactions  and helping  companies,   or other areas. It is the small firms often   sales channels for SMEs which is the focus
        especially  small businesses,  improve   who do not have the capabilities.” The   area for this project,” Silva told the forum. It
        access to overseas markets, a government   ‘National  Public-Private  Dialogue’  on   covers a wide range of reforms to promote
        official   said.   “Improving   electronic-  e-commerce reforms was  held by  the   e-commerce, ranging from  electronic
        commerce is for the benefit of SMEs (small   Ministry  of  Digital  Infrastructure and   payments, data  protection  and privacy,
        and medium enterprises),” said Dayaratna   Information  Technology  (MDIIT) and the   consumer  protection,  and Cybersecurity
        Silva,  national project coordinator of the   International  Trade  Centre (ITC). The  ITC   to  logistics and access and education.
        European Union-Sri Lanka  Trade-Related   is a joint agency of the United Nations and   The reforms are being planned at a time of
        Assistance project. “It  is  the SMEs  who   World Trade Organization that focuses on   growing use of e-commerce platforms and
        should  be  ultimate  beneficiaries  of  this   strengthening  soft infrastructure-related   increasing internet  penetration  although
        initiative,” he told a forum on e-commerce   assistance to trade and trains developing   such  transactions are still low compared
        reforms in the island involving public and   country  officials  to  improve  use  of  trade   with other regional countries.
        private sector officials. “Bigger companies   as  a  tool  for development.  “With  proper

        TRA UAE Delegation Visits Moscow to Learn About Best Practices in Smart


        A  delegation  from  the General  Authority for
        Regulating  the  Telecommunications Sector
        (TRA) headed  by  Hamad  Obaid Al Mansouri,
        TRA Director-General, visited Moscow to learn
        about Russia’s  best practices in  smart  cities
        and digital transformation. The delegation held
        a meeting with number of officials specializing
        in technology  in Russia.  The meetings
        discussed avenues of cooperation in ICTs and
        exchanged  innovative technologies  between
        the two countries.  Hamad  Obaid Al Mansouri,
        TRA Director-General,  said the visit  comes  in
        the context of getting  acquainted with global
        experiences  and  sharing experiences  and
        knowledge to the benefit of all parties

        Jazz and USF Pakistan to Bridge the Digital Divide in South Waziristan

        Continuing  its  partnership  with  Jazz  for   for Sustainable Development  Project in   Officer  Syed  Ali  Naseer.  Federal  Minister
        developing cellular access in underserved   South  Waziristan, according  to a  press   for IT & Telecom Khalid Maqbool Siddiqui
        regions, the Universal Service Fund (USF)   release  issued  on  Thursday.  A signing   informed  the  audience  that through  this
        has awarded  a new  contract  worth Rs90   ceremony took  place between  USF  Chief   project  services would  be  provided  to a
        million to Jazz Pakistan.  The  contract   Executive Haaris  Mahmood Chaudhary   population of 0.64m people in 411 muzas.
        has  been  awarded  under  the  Broadband   and Jazz  Chief Corporate  and Enterprise

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