Page 83 - SAMENA Trends - September 2019
P. 83


        VEON Acquires Direct Ownership of Jazz, Banglalink; GTH Delists

        Amsterdam-based VEON  has  announced   Exchange  (EGX),  following  a  Delisting   open  up adjacent growth opportunities.
        that  its  offer to  acquire  the multinational   Decree  published  by  the  EGX.  GTH  also   Alex Kazbegi, Group Chief Strategy Officer,
        operating  assets of its  Egypt-based   paid its final instalment of outstanding tax   said: ‘Over the next 18 months, there are
        subsidiary Global Telecom Holding (GTH)   liabilities to the  Egyptian Tax  Authority.   opportunities that  we  believe  will  best
        has been approved at a GTH shareholder   VEON has set out  a ‘future strategy and   serve investor interests over the medium-
        meeting,  following which VEON  has   capital allocation framework’, including  a   term. We are excited about the opportunity
        completed  the intra-group  ownership   commitment  to  boost long-term  growth   in our core Russian market, which we
        transfers of mobile  operators  Jazz   beyond  traditional connectivity  services   believe can be best accessed  through  a
        (Pakistan)  and  Banglalink  (Bangladesh),   as a ‘communications and digital services   short-term  increase  in  network  CAPEX
        and submarine cable  operator  Med   provider’.  The strategy is  based on three   to allow us to drive medium-term service
        Cable. VEON’s  announcement  did not   business  pillars:  mobile  and  fixed  line   revenue growth. In Pakistan, there may be
        mention  Algerian cellco  Djezzy, which   Connectivity  services;  a  portfolio of New   the opportunity to increase our stake in the
        is  also expected  to be transferred from   Services built around digital technologies   business  through  the existing put option
        GTH to direct VEON ownership under the   with  the active involvement of big data   with Warid. We also believe stepping up our
        agreed offer. NASDAQ and Euronext-listed   and  artificial  intelligence;  and  Future   investment in Digital Financial Services in
        VEON  also  confirmed  that  GTH’s  shares   Assets which seeks to identify, acquire and   Pakistan is an exciting first step in Future
        have been  delisted from  the Egyptian   develop ‘know-how’ and technologies that   Assets.’

        Regional Organizations Wrapping Up WRC-19 Preparations

        The  African  Telecommunications  Union  (ATU)  held  its  final
        preparatory meeting  ahead of World Radiocommunication
        Conference  2019 (WRC-19), convened  by the International
        Telecommunication Union (ITU). Attending the session in South
        Africa  was  Brian  Jacobs,  ZS6YZ,  who  represented  the  South
        African  Radio League  (SARL) and International  Amateur  Radio
        Union Region 1 (IARU R1) as part of the South African delegation.
        Delegates reached consensus on several items of interest to the
        Amateur Service. The highlights included:
        Agreement on an African Common Proposal (AFCP) on allocating   Radiolocation,  and Amateur and Amateur Satellite services in
        50 – 54 MHz to the Amateur Service in Region 1 on a primary basis   Australia and provides key technical inputs to meetings of ITU-R
        with  provisions  to  allow  wind  profiler  radars  and  the  Amateur   Working Parties 5A, 5B, 5C, and 5D; the Asia-Pacific Telecommunity
        Service to avoid mutual interference. (WRC Agenda Item 1.1)  (APT), and WRC-19.  Australian Communications  and Media
        Discussion on spectrum to be considered for International Mobile   Authority (ACMA) sites  Sydney, Canberra,  and Melbourne  were
        Telecommunications, (IMT), which ATU agreed should not include   linked via  videoconference  to  review  progress  toward relevant
        the primary amateur band at 47 – 47.2 GHz. (WRC Agenda Item   WRC-19  agenda  items, to  discuss the outcomes  of recent
        1.13)                                                  international meetings, and to decide on any follow-up actions.
        Agreement  to an AFCP that retains the  current regulatory   Coordinators for each WRC-19 agenda item briefed the meeting
        position in the 5725 – 5850 MHz band, which includes secondary   on the progress of work at ITU-R and the outcome of the APT fifth
        allocations to the Amateur and Amateur Satellite services. (WRC   Conference  Preparatory Group  (APG19-5) meeting,  held  in July
        Agenda Item 1.16)                                      and August in Tokyo,  which  reached  preliminary APT common
        No change  to the International Radio Regulations  regarding   proposals for WRC-19. The ARSG 5 meeting also discussed the
        wireless power transfer  for electric vehicles  (WPT-EV), but   upcoming  final  meeting  of  the  Department  of  Communications
        with a continuation  of International  Telecommunication  Union   and the Arts (DOCA) Preparatory Group WRC-19 (PG WRC-19), set
        Radiocommunication  Sector  (ITU-R)  studies to  ensure  that   for September 16. DOCA is responsible for communications policy
        appropriate frequency ranges and technical limits are incorporated   and programs. The PG WRC-19 meeting will finalize Australia’s
        into standards to protect radio services.              positions on all  WRC-19  agenda  items  and provide security
        In ITU Region 3, the Australian Radio Study Group 5 (ARSG 5) met   and operational information for the Australian delegation to the
        for the final time on August 23 in advance of WRC-19. ARSG 5   conference.  World Radiocommunication  Conference  2019  will
        addresses terrestrial systems and networks for the Fixed, Mobile,   take place October 28 – November 22 in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt.

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