Page 84 - SAMENA Trends - September 2019
P. 84


        TRA UAE Participates in Cyber Defense Live 2019

        The    UAE,   represented  by   the  and other means.” The conference hosted   during which participants learned the best
        Telecommunications Regulatory Authority,   a panel discussion  on trending modern   practices to prepare for a potential cyber-
        TRA, participated in the Cyber  Defense   cyber-attacks, with the participation of the   attack. It also discussed the evolution of the
        Live 2019  (FireEye) in Dubai,  which   TRA, the Dubai Cyber Security Centre, the   digital age, the cyber risks associated with
        discussed  key  practices  to  detect and   Emirates National Oil  Company, and the   it, and ways of protection. The conference
        respond to cyber-attacks. The conference   American University of Sharjah. During the   reviewed the effects of cyber-attacks, their
        was  aimed at  informing  the participants   session, Abdulaziz Al Nuaimi, Manager of   overall impact on companies, and the best
        about the latest cyber threats and ways to   Information Security at the TRA, reviewed   practices that institutions, companies and
        safeguard institutions from potential cyber   social engineering attacks  spread via   individuals should follow to  overcome
        breaches. It also constituted a networking   WhatsApp and social media, which seek to   the  risks of penetration. Additionally, the
        opportunity for  specialists and  leaders   deceive people into revealing their private   conference focused on the importance of
        in the Cybersecurity  sector, as  well as  a   data, as well as impersonation attacks. The   protecting vital infrastructure, encouraging
        cooperation opportunity for organizations   conference  included  a  live cyber-attacks   the establishment of Cybersecurity start-
        and institutions on Cybersecurity.  TRA’s   simulation, with specialists who presented   ups, and contributing to the development
        Internet Advancement Senior  Manager,   a  360-degree view of cyber-breaches,   of strategies and capacity building.
        Abdulrahman Al Marzouqi, in his opening
        speech said, “In the UAE, we have developed
        a national strategy for Cybersecurity,
        to be a  key  element  in risk  prevention
        and preparedness for the Cybersecurity
        challenges,  accelerate  the  process  of
        digital transformation and smart city,
        where millions of devices and platforms
        communicate  automatically, producing
        vast  and unprecedented  amounts of
        data  in  a  safe and secure  manner.”  Al
        Marzouqi added, “In the UAE, we believe in
        the  importance  of a partnership between
        the government  and private  sectors,  as
        it  is  essential  for  the achievement of  our
        country’s goals and future aspirations.
        The  government  develops  legislation and
        regulations to protect users and preserve
        their privacy, while companies provide
        tools to protect users,  such  as binary
        verification  (two-factor  authentication)

        Saudi Government Begins Project to Make Makkah a ‘Smart City’

        The government  of  Saudi Arabia  has   modern transport facilities for the pilgrims   increased  to  2000  in  the  next  five  years.
        commenced  work  on the project to   and senior  citizens performing Hajj  and   Reports further state that the buses will be
        transform Makkah  Moazzama  as  a    Umrah at the city. As per reports, the royal   controlled with the help of a remote control
        Smart City. The announcement of making   authority of the  city  will  also  collaborate   system and GPS system will be installed in
        Makkah  Moazzama  a  Smart City was   in promoting the project. The authorities   them. The interiors of the buses will have
        announced  a  couple  of weeks  ago by   state  that  the Makkah  Moazzama  Smart   smart display panel which would operate
        Governor  of Makkah  Moazzama  and   City project has been  assigned  to a   in both  Arabic  and English languages.
        advisor of Khadimul Haramain Sharifain   Japanese company. Under the project, 400   Passengers  will be provided  internet  and
        Shah Salman bin Abdul Aziz, Prince Khalid   smart buses made in Japan will be plied   Wi-Fi facility within the smart buses.
        Al-Faesal.  The Smart  City  would  enable   in Makkah by 2020 and the number will be

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