Page 61 - SAMENA Trends - September 2019
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        Europe. Increased  global  demand for connectivity  is resulting   Ocean zone, particularly Réunion and Mayotte.” Mr. Wu Qianjun,
        in congestion  on the  busy route. In addition,  Africa  has the   Chief  Executive  Officer,  PEACE  Cable  International,  said,  “The
        fastest-growing youth population in the world and is  a  market   PEACE project has been progressed very well and the equipment
        particularly ripe  for investment because  of the rapidly growing   manufacturing  has  been  achieved more than 60%. The system
        number of Internet users and a corresponding increased demand   will be ready for service on time based on its schedule. We are
        for connectivity. When complete in 2021, the PEACE cable system   confident that PEACE will provide low-cost capacity for those fast
        will provide the shortest and most direct data route from North   growing regions and enhance the routing diversity in Asia, Africa
        Asia to Europe, combined with exceptionally low latency which is   and Europe.”
        vitally important for a wide array of commercial and consumer
        applications. The backbone  of  the project will  interconnect
        Pakistan,  Djibouti,  Egypt, Kenya  and France,  providing  critical
        interconnections  to key Asian, European, and African economic
        corridors, with additional planned landing points and extensions.
        Mr. Marc Halbfinger, Chief Executive Officer, PCCW Global, said,
        “Our  collaboration with  Orange is  a  critically important  step
        towards bringing PEACE online and we trust the capabilities and
        vast experience of their teams in France to provide a successful
        and timely delivery of the European leg of the project. Orange has
        vast experience in submarine cable infrastructure development.
        So we are confident that Orange will not only successfully provide
        the  necessary  cable  infrastructure  in  France,  but  also  benefit
        from  being  one  of  the  first  major  users  of  the  PEACE  cable  to
        connect  important  and  growing  traffic  from  Africa  to  Europe.”
        Mr.  Jérôme  Barré,  Chief  Executive  Officer,  Orange,  said,  “For
        Orange, PEACE  is  a  major  investment as  it  will  provide greater
        route  diversity, improved connection  security  and guaranteed
        support  for increased capacity across  all  regions  in  the Indian

        PCCW Global and DCConnect Extend Global Reach with SDI Collaboration

        PCCW Global and DCConnect  have entered into a  technology   and cloud  vendor  in China. The  technology  collaboration  will
        collaboration  that will  enable both  Console  Connect  and   enable DCConnect’s  clients to  interconnect  with  the Console
        DCConnect customers to seamlessly leverage network services   Connectplatform  in  Hong Kong,  Singapore, and Los  Angeles  -
        from either  service provider, including  providing DCConnect   providing access  to  a  truly  global network.  The API  integration
        customers with on-demand access to PCCW Global’s extensive   allows users to run private and secure virtual connections across
        international network footprint. PCCW Global’s Console Connectis   both networks, as well as being able to provision, upgrade, and
        a game-changer for business, making the process of connecting   monitor  on-demand  services.  Both  platforms  enable  users  to
        to cloud-based business-critical applications and geographically   interconnect and purchase flexible services on a daily, weekly, or
        distributed  offices,  partners  and  clients  simple,  predictable  and   monthly basis - only paying for services which are available to
        secure. Spanning over 37 countries, the Console Connectplatform   be used with no lock-in contracts or minimum usage criteria. Mr.
        enables users to purchase on-demand connectivity in more than   Billy Fung, Chief Technology Officer, DCConnect, said, “DCConnect
        100 global data centers and to all major cloud on-ramp partners,   is excited to establish a two-way integration with PCCW Global.
        including AWS Direct Connect, Microsoft Azure, IBM Cloud, Oracle   We look forward to enabling our customers to make use of PCCW
        Cloud, Google Cloud, Alibaba Cloud and Tencent Cloud. DCConnect   Global’s extensive and robust  IP  backbone  and global subsea
        is the leading software-defined enterprise and carrier platform in   network, providing instant  access, with  Quality  of Service, to
        China. DCConnect’s  coverage includes  every  major  data  center   many markets around the world. Similarly, we also look forward to
                                                               serving PCCW Global customers with our own extensive network
                                                               resources throughout  China.” Mr.  Michael Glynn, Global Vice
                                                               President of Digital Automated Innovation, PCCW Global, said, “The
                                                               interconnect collaboration with DCConnect allows our customers
                                                               to access more data centers directly from our platform. We are
                                                               building one of the largest SDN wholesale ecosystems worldwide
                                                               for carriers, network providers, and other SDN providers, enabling
                                                               them to access  our  extensive redundant  global  backbone  on-
                                                               demand, while extending their coverage and service offering to
                                                               support their  own customer  needs,  by interconnecting  into our
                                                               platform at any of our on-net data centers.”

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