Page 56 - SAMENA Trends - September 2019
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        include  more than radio access from   as  latency,  reliability,  availability,  security   network architectures allows  operators
        the end-to-end  portfolio.  According to  a   and TCO. Highlights of the Lab include:  to deploy dynamic, on-demand  high-
        study from Nokia Bell Labs Consulting, a   Service and  Slicing  Operations Center:   bandwidth services across diverse access
        5G end-to-end network with an integrated   The center quantifies the value of Nokia’s   technologies.
        solution  from a single  prime vendor  can   end-to-end portfolio through live network   Programmable  Network  Operating
        reduce  total  cost of ownership  (TCO)   configurations  in  different  industrial   System:  Manually  configured,  static  and
        by more than 20 percent  and decrease   automation and consumer use cases, and   closed  networks  have run their  course.
        time to market by at  least 30 percent,   dynamically models resulting performance   The  new network operating  system will
        compared to  multi-vendor  solutions.  The   and TCO metrics in real time, revealing   create, optimize and maintain end-to-end
        Future X Lab in Espoo is a live end-to-end   the clear  operational and economic   network  slices for differentiated services
        network  and application  lab for the  5G   advantages.                  and TCO gains. This will evolve from rules-
        era where visitors can see real consumer,   Massive Scale Access: Massive throughput   based  solutions  and move to true  zero
        enterprise and industrial scenarios unfold   and capacity are the muscles behind 5G era   touch enabled by AI across the network.
        in a  myriad of simulated and physical   services, with 5G New Radio, Ultra-Reliable   Digital  Value  Platform: This will  allow
        environments, all orchestrated on a single   Low Latency Communication (URLLC) and   industries  to better perceive,  understand,
        network managing individual  network   massive Machine Type Communications   control, and automate the physical world,
        slices. Visitors will  be able to compare   complemented with fixed access solutions   creating new network-agnostic  tools to
        the performance  of a  Nokia  end-to-end   serving as the enabling forces behind the   enable novel services and applications.
        5G network against existing  networks,   4th industrial revolution.      Dynamic Data Security: The next industrial
        clearly demonstrating the  advantages  of   Universal  Adaptive  Core:  An  agile,  revolution  will  require a  concurrent
        the  Future  X  network  architecture  in  key   access  technology-agnostic  adaptive  revolution  in  security.  Multi-layer
        performance  and economic  metrics such   cloud-native  core  for  decentralized  safeguards, driven by  machine  learning,
                                                                                 network programmability and enhanced by
                                                                                 ASICs customized for security will provide
                                                                                 protection from the vulnerabilities of today
                                                                                 and tomorrow.
                                                                                 The Future X Lab in Espoo is an extension of
                                                                                 the Future X Lab opened last year at Nokia
                                                                                 Bell Labs headquarters in Murray Hill, N.J.
                                                                                 The two Labs are seamlessly connected to
                                                                                 demonstrate true global interworking and
                                                                                 network  slicing,  with the  widest variety
                                                                                 of use cases, run locally or remotely – a
                                                                                 continent  away.  Nokia  and  Nokia  Bell
                                                                                 Labs continue to be chief contributors to
                                                                                 5G technologies  and its  development  as
                                                                                 a standards-based technology. Nokia Bell
                                                                                 Labs has pioneered  key 5G innovations,
                                                                                 including  millimeter wave and  massive
                                                                                 MIMO, among others.

        Nokia and Etisalat Complete Terabit-Per-Second Trial

        Nokia says it has carried out the world’s first single-
        carrier terabit-per-second trial over the fiber-optic
        network of Etisalat  in the United Arab Emirates
        (UAE). According to Nokia’s press release: ‘The trial
        successfully transmitted a record 50.8Tbps using
        multiple wavelengths, each with a net information
        rate of 1.3Tbps, over a 93km fiber route of Etisalat’s
        wavelength division multiplexing (WDM) network.’
        Esmaeel Alhammadi, Senior  Vice  President  for
        Network Development at Etisalat, said: ’Increasing
        network capacity helps  us to provide bandwidth-
        hungry services  such  as 5G extreme  mobile
        broadband,  fiber-to-the-home  (FTTH)  and  data
        center interconnect for enterprises’.

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