Page 58 - SAMENA Trends - September 2019
P. 58


        Viettel and Nokia Broadcast 5G in Ho Chi Minh City

        Viettel and Nokia  have broadcasted the   the basis for a comprehensive evaluation   5G, Vietnam will go along with the world.”
        first end-to-end 5G network in Ho Chi Minh   of the band, coverage and application of   Nguyen Kim  Dung,  head of Customer
        City.  The launch positions  Vietnam head   5G before commercialization in 2020. Tao   Business  Team  at  Nokia  Vietnam,  said:
        to head with other countries in the region   Duc Thang, Deputy General Director of   “This  trial  demonstrates Nokia’s  end-to-
        looking for an early commercial 5G rollout.   Viettel’s  Industry  -  Telecommunications   end 5G expertise and delivery capabilities
        Being first to 5G will allow Viettel and Nokia   Group,  said:  “The  official  broadcast  of   in the Viettel network. As a trusted supplier
        to play a crucial role in enabling Industry   5G in Ho Chi Minh City is an important   to the operator, we are looking forward
        4.0 applications that will boost Vietnam’s   milestone  in Viettel’s  strategy to make   to making 5G a  commercial reality  that
        economy. Nokia deployed the 5G network   Vietnam  one  of  the  first  countries  in  the   opens enormous growth opportunities for
        in a very short time frame, building on its   world to commercialize 5G services. With   Vietnam.”
        existing LTE  footprint with  the  operator,
        upgrading  the entire infrastructure from
        radio access, Cloud Packet  Core  and
        transmission to 5G technology.  Viettel’s
        first  cloud-based  Packet  Core  network  is
        currently serving its live subscribers. The
        network will offer a range of real-time 5G
        end-user experiences, such as VR gaming
        and 8K  resolution streaming,  as  well as
        enabling  Nokia’s Fixed Wireless  Access.
        Viettel and Nokia have set up 10 5G base
        stations in the area of Ward 12, District
        10, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam’s biggest
        city with more than 2,000 km2 area and a
        population of 13 million. The project sets

        Nokia, NTT DOCOMO and OMRON Bring 5G to the Factory Floor in Industry
        4.0 Trial

        Nokia,  NTT  DOCOMO,  INC.  and  OMRON   stable connectivity  between  IoT  devices.   concept  of a  layout-free production line
        Corporation have agreed to conduct joint   As background noise from machines and   with Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMRs).
        field trials using 5G at their plants and other   the movement of people have the potential   As  product cycles  become  shorter due
        production sites. As part of the trial, Nokia   to interfere with wireless communications,   to  fast-changing  consumer  demands,
        will  provide the  enabling  5G technology   the trial  will  aim  to  verify the  reliability   manufacturing  sites are under  increasing
        and OMRON the factory automation     and stability  of 5G technology  deployed   pressure to rearrange  production  lines at
        equipment  while NTT DOCOMO  will  run   by conducting radio wave measurements   short notice. By taking advantage of 5G’s
        the 5G trial. The trial follows the increasing   and transmission experiments.  During   high speed, large capacity, low latency and
        demand  for wireless communications at   the trial, Nokia, DOCOMO  and OMRON   ability to connect multiple devices, the trial
        manufacturing sites driven by the need for   will aim to establish the feasibility of the   will  see  AMRs  automatically  conveying
                                                                                 components to the exact spot where they
                                                                                 are required based on communication with
                                                                                 production  line equipment.  The trial  will
                                                                                 also leverage 5G connectivity for real-time
                                                                                 coaching using AI/IoT. Machine operators
                                                                                 will be monitored using cameras, with an
                                                                                 AI-based system  providing feedback on
                                                                                 their performance  based on an  analysis
                                                                                 of their movements. This will  help
                                                                                 improve the  training  of technicians  by
                                                                                 detecting  and analyzing the differences
                                                                                 of motion between  more skilled and
                                                                                 less skilled personnel.  “This trial will
                                                                                 allow us to address some of the biggest

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