Page 161 - SAMENA Trends - September 2019
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                         coverage;  and it  may  also  provide wholesale duct   quality of services available and help  meet growing
                         access as a standalone service. Ofcom believes that   consumer  and business  demand for connectivity.
                         both  networks  will  benefit  the  public,  improving  the   (September 1, 2019)

                         The Federal Communications  Commission  (FCC) is   The Federal  Communications  Commission (FCC) has
                         seeking comments on its proposed plans for the auction   announced  that  the Wireless Telecommunications
                         of spectrum  in the  3.5  GHz band,  its commissioners   Bureau (WTB) and Office of Engineering and Technology
                         having voted to launch the sale on 25 June next year.   (OET)  have  approved  five  Spectrum  Access  Systems
        United           The FCC has outlined  a  structure in which spectrum   (SAS) administrators to  begin  initial  commercial
                                                                        deployments in  the 3.5GHz  band. As such,  SAS
                         will be available via so-called priority access licenses
        States           (PALs), each of which will comprise 10 MHz of unpaired   operated by Amdocs, CommScope, Federated Wireless,
                         spectrum. Seven PALs will be available in each county-  Google and Sony have satisfied the FCC’s laboratory
                         based license area, giving a total of 22,631 to bid for   testing requirements and are approved to begin their
                         across the US. The regulator is seeking comment on a   initial  commercial deployments (ICDs) as  previously
                         number of areas of the auction process, which has been   proposed. The FCC’s  reviews  were carried out after
                         dubbed Auction 105. It proposes an ascending clock   consultation  with the Department of Defense  (DoD)
                         format, similar  to that used  in Auction  102 – which   and the National Telecommunications and Information
                         raised US$2 billion from the sale of 24 GHz frequencies   Administration (NTIA). The FCC has proposed to stage
                         earlier this year – and a format that has been approved   Auction 105 – its sale of 5G-suitable spectrum in the
                         for Auction 103, its latest millimeter wave sale that is   3550MHz-3700MHz (3.5GHz) band – on 25 June 2020.
                         due to take place later this year. The format would see   The auction will offer seven Priority Access Licenses
                         participants bid for generic license blocks in specific   (PALs) in each county-based license area, for a total
                         counties. The regulator is  also  exploring  the option   of 22,631 PALs nationwide. Each PAL will  be a  ten-
                         of allowing participants to bid for airwaves across   year renewable license,  consisting  of an unpaired
                         multiple  counties in 172 metropolitan  areas, and   10MHz  channel.  Alongside  the anticipated  5G usage
                         permitting them to lodge bids for more airwaves than   cases, the 3.5GHz band is also expected to pique the
                         they are eligible to actually hold. In addition, it has also   interest of wireless internet service providers (WISPs),
                         outlined rules on credit caps, upfront payments, bidding   major cablecos who have entered the MVNO  space
                         eligibility, minimum opening  bids, and a  number  of   and entities wishing  to deploy private LTE networks.
                         other auction functions. (September 29, 2019)  (September 17, 2019)

                         The Federal  Communications  Commission  (FCC)   The  US Federal Communications Commission  (FCC)
                         approved a mid-2020 start date for its first mid-band   has proposed  to stage Auction  105 – its  sale of
                         spectrum auction, despite pressure from one member   5G-suitable spectrum  in the  3550MHz-3700MHz
                         to  pull  the  timeline  forward  into  2019.  Bidding  on   (3.5GHz)  band  – on  25 June  2020.  The  auction  will
                         licenses  for  the  shared  3.5GHz  band  will begin  25   offer seven Priority  Access  Licenses (PALs) in  each
                         June 2020. Comments are currently being sought on   county-based license area, for a total of 22,631 PALs
                         the proposed auction structure, including a motion to   nationwide.  Each PAL will  be a  ten-year renewable
                         further expand the geographic  area  covered by  each   license, consisting of an unpaired 10MHz channel. As
                         license.  The  FCC previously increased  the  license   per the FCC  proposal, bidders  will  be allowed to  bid
                         zones  for  the band in October  2018.  Commissioner   for up to four generic blocks of spectrum per county.
                         Jessica Rosenworcel (pictured, far left) warned further   Interested parties are invited to submit feedback on the
                         expansion  would  narrow the  pool  of players able to   proposed auction by 28 October 2019.
                         make use of the spectrum and “unacceptably risk the   (September 6, 2019)
                         opportunities for innovation in this band and new entry
                         points for 5G”.  She also  argued  the 3.5GHz  auction   US Federal  Communications  Commission  (FCC)
                         should  take precedence  over the FCC’s  third sale of   Chairman Ajit Pai announced members will vote later
                         mmWave spectrum scheduled for December, citing a   this month  on whether  to approve a  mid-2020  start
                         dire need for mid-band airwaves for 5G. “I would hold   date for a long-awaited auction of licensed spectrum
                         this auction this year, before we bring to market any   in  the 3.5GHz  band. The vote would seek comment
                         higher band spectrum including the 37GHz, 39GHz and   on draft procedures for the auction, with the target of
                         47GHz bands.” The action comes shortly after the FCC   commencing bidding on 25 June 2020. License zones
                         gave the go ahead for initial commercial deployments   and terms for the band  were established  in October
                         in the unlicensed portion of the 3.5GHz band. (September   2018. In a blog post, Pai said the 70MHz of licensed
                         27, 2019)                  airwaves the FCC aims to offer in the auction is “prime

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