Page 162 - SAMENA Trends - September 2019
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                         spectrum  for 5G  services”. Indeed,  the move  would   deployments in the unlicensed  portion of the band
                         help alleviate a shortage of mid-band spectrum in the   were originally expected in 2018, but were repeatedly
                         country, which is favored by operators for 5G since it   pushed back as operators awaited final approval from
                         offers a balance of coverage and capacity. Operators   federal regulators. Launches are now expected before
                         including  Verizon,  AT&T,  T-Mobile  US,  Charter   the end of 2019, but operators stressed the importance
                         Communications,  US  Cellular and Altice USA, have   of licensed access for 5G rollouts. The FCC will vote
                         expressed interest in 3.5GHz, and the CBRS Alliance is   on the auction proposal at a meeting on 26 September.
                         in  the  process  of  developing  technical  specifications   (September 5, 2019)
                         for 5G operation in the shared band. Initial commercial

                         Mobile  Broadband  Limited,  which  trades  under   financially  capable  of  meeting  the  obligations  of  the
                         the Vodafone Zambia  banner,  will  cease operating   terms and conditions of the license’. Having said the
                         next month  after the Zambia  Information  and   license cancellation will become effective 30 days from
                         Communications   Technology  Authority  (ZICTA)  20  September  2019,  the  ZICTA  also  confirmed  it  has
                         announced  the  cancellation  of its license.  In a press   withdrawn the frequency bands that were assigned to
        Zambia           release regarding the matter, the regulator noted that   Vodafone Zambia. This development comes less than
                         it had made the ‘on the grounds that [the operator] has   a week after reports which said that, amid continuing
                         ceased to fulfil the eligibility requirements under Section   financial struggles, Vodafone Zambia was to be sold,
                         12 of the Information and Communication Technologies   after its current shareholders had failed to recapitalize
                         (ICT) Act No.15 of 2009 by not being technically and   it. (September 27, 2019)

                         The Postal  and Telecommunications Regulatory   project is  planned to be implemented  as  a  turnkey
                         Authority of Zimbabwe (POTRAZ) has invited bids for   vendor-financed  Build  and  Transfer  joint  venture
                         the deployment of 100 wireless base stations in rural   agreement. The supplier undertakes the financing and
                         areas to improve mobile network coverage. The rollout   construction  of the project and after its  completion
                         will be financed by the Universal Services Fund (USF),   hands it over to POTRAZ. POTRAZ reimburses the total
        Zimbabwe         with the base stations to be made available for use by   project investment on the basis of an agreed schedule.’
                         the country’s  three cellcos,  Econet Wireless, NetOne   (August 31, 2019)
                         and Telecel. A statement from the regulator said: the

                         Disclaimer: Information contained in Member News updates, Regional News updates, Policy & Regulatory updates, Satellite News updates, Tech-
                         nology News updates, Snapshot of Regulatory News SAMENA Countries, Regulatory News beyond SAMENA region and Wholesale News updates
                         have been obtained from sources, which we deem reliable. SAMENA Telecommunications Council is not liable for any misinformed decisions that the
                         reader may reach by being solely reliant on information contained herein. Expert advice should be sought.

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