Page 156 - SAMENA Trends - September 2019
P. 156


                         the increase, and it  is  my  sincere hope  that each  of   believes  that  without consumers  becoming  aware  of
                         the service providers will demonstrate clearly to their   cybercrime  trends and making efforts to ensure the
                         esteemed customers, measures that they have put in   safe use of connected devices, cyber criminals would
                         place on their various networks, as well as the role they   continue to make cyberspace unsafe. ”Since we started
                         think their customers should play toward safeguarding   organizing these  events some years  back, we  have
                         them from the effects of cybercrime,”  she added.   treated different thematic topics, which have produced
                         Onwuegbuchalam, who was represented by her deputy,   key  resolutions that  have  been communicated  to
                         Alhaji Ismaila  Adedigba,  said the Commission  was   service providers for implementation. “Indeed, this has
                         committed to using various outreach programmes to   helped to guarantee improved services and value for
                         embark on a  series of awareness  campaigns,  with a   money spent on telecoms services for Consumers and
                         view to keeping consumers well informed on the risks   as such telecoms consumers have been the ultimate
                         associated with being in line, enlightening them on the   beneficiaries of the event over the years,” she added.
                         safety measures to be taken once they use connected   She, however,  enjoined  the participants to  take  full
                         devices, as simple as feature phones, smartphones and   advantage  of the  occasion  to be  well informed  and
                         other more sophisticated internet enabled devices. The   educated on how they can be protected in cyberspace
                         Town Hall meeting, with the theme: “Mitigating Effects   as telecom consumers.” (September 2, 2019)
                         of Cybercrimes:  The Role of Telecom  Consumers,”
                         stated that one of the most effective ways to protect   The Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC) has
                         telecom  consumers  from the effects of cybercrimes   announced  it  has approved spectrum  for the trial  of
                         was  through  continuous  consumer education  and   5G  mobile services in  the country.  Without providing
                         awareness.  ”The  Commission  has embarked  on   further details, the regulator’s Executive Vice Chairman
                         various initiatives  to increase access  to the internet   Umar  Garba  Danbatta  revealed the development  in
                         to Nigerians for positive engagements,  we are   Abuja at  the ITU’s ‘First  Digital African  Week’ event.
                         nevertheless, conscious of dishonest individuals, who   He  acknowledged  the evolving  trends in  the ICT
                         are bent on using the internet for illegal activities.” She   ecosystem,  giving rise to technologies  such  as  IoT
                         said  consumers  remained  important  stakeholders  in   applications  and smart cities,  adding  that the NCC
                         the current cyberspace, where individual and corporate   was well positioned to embark on the trial of 5G in the
                         users of telecom devices often make use of the internet   country. (August 31, 2019)
                         in  our connected  world, as  such,  the Commission

                         The  National Communications  Authority  (Nkom) has   while another option  suggesting minimum speeds
                         launched a consultation on plans to make broadband a   would be 20Mbps/2Mbps is  also  being  considered.
                         universal service. In a press release regarding the matter   Views from stakeholders  and interested  parties on
                         the regulator said that two options had been proposed,   the proposed broadband  universal service obligation
                         with  the  first  of  those  being  a  proposal  to  introduce   (USO) are being accepted until the 3 December 2019
        Norway           an  obligation for operators to  provide broadband at   deadline.

                         speeds  of 10Mbps/2Mbps (down/uplink)  on request,   (September 4, 2019)

                         The National Telecommunications Commission (NTC)   capability  to  all  cities and  municipalities nationwide.
                         has renewed  the Cellular  Mobile Telephony  System   However,  with  NOW  Telecom  currently ramping up
                         (CMTS)  license  of  NOW  Corp  affiliate  NOW  Telecom,   plans to become the Philippines’ fourth major operator,
                         allowing it  to  provide a  range of cellular services to   a  spokesman for the NTC  poured cold water  on its
        Philippines      the Filipino public. The concession ‘extends authority   plans, suggesting that it believes it can only realistically
                                                                        provide such services in ‘niche  markets’.  Following
                         to install, operate and maintain an effective and
                         economical  telecommunications  network,  including   the license renewal, NOW Telecom president Rodolfo
                         mobile telecommunications,  data  and voice  telecom   P  Pantoja said: ‘We have been  providing  guaranteed
                         network,  trunked  radio dispatch  communications   broadband  to  enterprises  including  the government
                         system,  digital  trunked  radio  system,  and  sector.  We reiterate  our  belief  that at  present,  there
                         telecommunications operations’. The authority granted   is  an  insufficiency  in  telecommunications  facilities
                         last  week also  includes  the upgrade of its  existing   that can effectively address the needs for day-to-day
                         system to a  nationwide  wireless communications   real-time operations  and at  the  same time provide
                         network which will provide mobile  telephony   disaster mitigation during  time of emergencies,’
                         communications  and   multimedia  transmission  adding that NOW Telecom is one of only four firms to

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