Page 160 - SAMENA Trends - September 2019
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                         The  National  Broadcasting  and  Telecommunications   The Digital Ministry was tipped to be pressing ahead
                         Commission (NBTC) is being asked to strictly monitor   with plans to turnaround  the fortunes  of state-run
                         the import of some digital equipment into the country   TOT and CAT Telecom,  readying  a proposal which
                         amid a fresh worry over its possible threat to national   would see the pair  complete  a  merger by  mid-2020.
                         cyber security. The NBTC, which is authorized to give   A merger  plan was  approved by  the State Enterprise
        Thailand         permission for the imports, will be asked to discuss its   Policy  Office  which  the  Digital  Economy  and  Society
                         work and ways to prevent such a risk with the House   Ministry intends to present to the country’s cabinet by
                         committee  on  telecommunications,  digital economy   October. It is the government’s latest attempt to revive
                         and society, its  Deputy  Chairman Setthaphong   the loss-ridden organizations, which together employ
                         Malisuwan said. “We need to work together to develop   about 20,000 staff. Buddhipongse Punnakanta, Digital
                         measures to protect our cyber security,” he said. The   Economy  and Society  Minister, told the newspaper  a
                         worry has been raised as Thailand needs to invest in   merger “is the best solution to eliminate redundancy
                         infrastructure to  prepare for new telecommunication   of their business operations, as well as creating added
                         services, including 5G technology which allows  for   value for their  existing  assets.” The  ministry asked
                         speedy transfer of data. That may cause the country   the operators to submit detailed plans within 45 days,
                         to import more digital equipment  from foreign  giant   covering  the employee and management  structure;
                         technology  companies.  The products,  however, may   assets and  valuation;  and business  agreements  and
                         bring threats to cyber security, Col. Setthaphong said.   contracts with  other private  companies. If  approved,
                         The digital equipment used in the banking and aviation   the combined  company, National Telecom  Co,  would
                         sectors is at “high risk” of being attacked and seeing   start operations in the second quarter of 2020. It would
                         private data hacked, he said. Even medical equipment   come  under the  control of the Finance Ministry.  The
                         linked with the internet  must be closely watched,  he   merger of the state enterprises, which the government
                         added.  Col.  Setthaphong  wants  the  NBTC  and  state   insists will not lead to job cuts, has long been pushed
                         agencies  working  on digital  technology  to  pay  more   to  eliminate overlapping  services, covering mobile,
                         heed to certain digital products which are increasingly   broadband and international gateways.  (September 5, 2019)
                         used under the Internet of Things (IoT).       Bangkok Post
                         (September 17, 2019)

                         British  telecoms  regulator  Ofcom  has  published  its   unchanged since its spring update in May 2019, with
                         second interim update to the ‘Connected Nations’ report   4G services reportedly available to 77% of premises
                         that it initially released in December 2018. In terms of   (indoor)  at  that date, and 4G geographic  coverage
                         the key findings in this update, the watchdog noted that   standing at 66%. With 5G connectivity now being rolled
        United           the number of properties in the UK now able to access   out by UK mobile operators, Ofcom said that it plans
                                                                        to  collect  information on these  deployments for the
                         superfast  broadband  –  which  it  defines  as  having  a
        Kingdom          download speed of at least 30Mbps – had increased to   full  Connected  Nations  report  that  it  is  scheduled  to
                         more than 28 million by May 2019, representing 95% of   publish in December 2019. (September 18, 2019)
                         homes and businesses. Meanwhile, access to ultrafast
                         broadband  (i.e.  services with a minimum 300Mbps   The regulator Ofcom is  consulting on proposals to
                         download speed) has also improved, and was available   apply code powers to F&W Networks and Fibrenation.
                         to 54% of premises by May 2019, up from 53% as at   The consultations close on 30 September. Fibrenation,
                         January  2019.  In  line  with  this,  full-fiber  availability   a fully-owned subsidiary of TalkTalk, operates a FTTP
                         has also increased, with almost 2.5 million premises,   access network in York and is currently expanding the
                         or 8%, having access to such technology; Ofcom noted   network to the neighboring areas of Ripon, Harrogate
                         this represented a rise of more than 400,000 properties   and Knaresborough. It  is  seeking  code  powers to
                         in the four month to May 2019, ‘with the commercial   enable it  to  operate more independently  of TalkTalk
                         rollout  of  full  fiber  now  being  delivered  quicker  than   and to support the expansion of its network to serve
                         ever’.  Rounding  out  the  key  findings  related  to  fixed   3 million premises across the UK. F&W Networks is a
                         broadband,  Ofcom noted  that  the proportion of   new market entrant seeking code powers for plans to
                         properties without access  to a  ‘decent’  broadband   deploy a FTTP access network serving smaller towns
                         connection  (defined  as  having  downstream  speed  of   across the  UK.  It  plans to build  a network  to more
                         at least 10Mbps), remained at 2% of premises. It did   than one million homes by 2024, targeting areas not
                         say  though,  that  it  expects  this  figure  to  fall  once  it   currently served or not planned to be served by rival
                         completes  work to include  the  coverage  of all major   FTTP network operators. F&W Networks might consider
                         fixed wireless networks in its reporting. With regards to   using FWA technology in areas where it cannot deploy
                         mobile coverage, Ofcom said that this remained largely   an  FTTP  network or to  provide outdoor  broadband

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