Page 153 - SAMENA Trends - September 2019
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                         that  most operators  would move to packet switched   auction by  the end of the year,  the Economic  Times
                         technologies  by the  end  of 2019, greatly reducing   writes,  citing  a  senior  DoT  official.  According  to  the
                         termination costs. In the two years following the ruling,   source, the DoT’s Digital Communications Commission
                         however, the TRAI has found that ‘a large number of   is expected to green light the recommended pricing for
                         customers are still served by circuit switched networks   the airwaves later this month and the regulator expects
                         for handling of voice calls’. Confirming these findings,   to complete the auction by 30 November. The sale will
                         the  TRAI added that stakeholders have shown  that   see over 8,000MHz of airwaves put up for sale across
                         although cellcos have invested heavily in 4G networks   the 700MHz, 800MHz, 1800MHz, 2300MHz, 2500MHz
                         they have yet to migrate the bulk of their subscribers   and  3400MHz-3600MHz  ranges including  4G  and
                         to VoLTE  technology.  The  consultation  paper  asks   5G-compatible  airwaves.  Commenting on concerns
                         whether  there  is  a  need  for  the  introduction  of  BAK   over participation  in the  sale, given  the  industry’s
                         should  be postponed,  and on  what  basis  the new   current financial struggles and complaints from sector
                         adoption date should be decided; the closing date for   stakeholders  about the ‘exorbitant’ prices set for the
                         submissions is 18 October. (September 19, 2019)  spectrum, the official said: ‘There may be a case where
                                                                        there are no takers for a particular band, but we don’t
                         India’s  Department of Telecommunications  (DoT) is   believe there won’t be any demand’.
                         aiming to launch  the long-delayed mass  spectrum   (September 11, 2019)

                         The Liberia Telecommunications Authority concluded a   capacity in regulating the Telecommunications sector.
                         training workshop on International Telecommunications   Most countries have spectrum monitoring equipment,
                         Union’s  (ITU) Spectrum  Management  System For   but the system is being  upgraded  to version  5 for
                         Developing Countries (SMS4DC), co-organized by the   greater  efficiency  in  spectrum  governance.  LTA
        Liberia          ITU. The SMS4DC workshop which is targeted towards   Chairman Ivan Brown expressed its gratitude to the ITU
                         the Spectrum Managers and the users of SMS4DC   for the opportunity to host the workshop. According to
                         tool (both current and prospective). The week-long   him, the workshop addresses mitigating interferences,
                         training brought together about 100 participants from   frequency  allocation, valuation and consolidating
                         English-speaking countries across Africa to build their   cross-border coordination of spectrum management.
                         capacities  and skills  to effectively use the SMS4DC   “The workshop is a demonstration of the commitment
                         tool  for  efficient  spectrum  management  in  their   of  the LTA  to  achieve the standards  of  the ITU  in
                         respective countries.  The  SMS4DC workshop  is an   more  efficiently  and  effectively  managing  our  scarce
                         historic development for Liberia’s Telecommunications   spectrum  resource,”  he  said.  Participants said they
                         sector as it the country’s first ITU-organized spectrum   came away feeling more equipped in addressing issues
                         workshop,  which will  pave the way  for more ITU   of spectrum management in their respective countries.
                         sponsored training programs in Liberia to build human   (September 23, 2019)

                          The  Luxembourg Institute of Regulation  (Institut   freeing the band up for 5G use. In other Luxembourg-
                          Luxembourgeois de Regulation,  ILR)  has  issued a   centric news, state-backed full-service operator POST
                          public  consultation  regarding  the  modification  of  its   Luxembourg  has  confirmed  its  intention  to  launch
                          existing radiofrequency plan. The consultation, which   commercial 5G services in 2020. The operator notes
        Luxembourg        commenced  on  16  September  and will  run until 18   that it has  achieved downlink  speeds  in excess of
                                                                        1Gbps during its 5G trials, with latency of less than ten
                          October, factors in a series of European Commission
                          (EC)  decisions regarding spectrum  harmonization   milliseconds. TeleGeography notes that fellow operator
                          which have entered force since August 2018.  The   Tango previously  announced  that  it  had become  the
                          spectrum  bands  included  in  the consultation  are as   country’s  first  operator  to  have  an  operational  5G
                          follows: 24.25GHz-27.5GHz; 3400MHz-3800MHz; and   core network, trialing the 3.6GHz system in Bertrange
                          874MHz-876MHz/915MHz-921MHz. The use of non-  in May this year. Rounding out the country’s cellcos,
                          specific  short-range  devices  in  the  latter  frequency   Orange Luxembourg has stated its intention to utilize
                          bands will lapse on 1 July 2020 while the 3400MHz-  3.6GHz  and 26GHz spectrum  to support its own 5G
                          3800MHz  band  will  no  longer  be  allocated  to  fixed   networks, although a provisional launch date has not
                          satellite services from 1  January  2020,  potentially   been disclosed. (September 23, 2019)

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