Page 139 - SAMENA Trends - September 2019
P. 139


        Yemen Telecom Ministry renews the License of SabaFon Mobile Company for

        Two Additional Years

        A press  release  issued by  the Ministry   systems and enhance  and expand its   called on the world and all  international
        of Communications and Information    services. And the license has been renewed   community  organizations,  especially
        Technology   indicated  that   Eng.  for the company as  a  licensed  legal   the United Nations and the international
        Misfer  Abdullah  Al-Numair,  Minister  company and one of the mobile operators   telecommunication authorities, to assume
        of Communications and Information    and telecommunications  services. Al-  their moral  responsibility and  intervene
        Technology, signed  the agreement  to   Namir  pointed  out that  the ministry   immediately to  stop the destruction
        renew the license of SabaFon Mobile   deals with  all  mobile phone  companies   of the  telecommunications  sector  and
        Company for the  years  2020-2021  as  a   in the Republic of Yemen  with one   systematically target towers,  networks
        final  period  for  the  work  of  the  second   mechanism  and without discrimination.   and  telephone  exchanges. Developing
        generation  technology  during  which the   The  Minister urged  SabaFon  and all   its  services and moving towards 4G
        transition to  the  fourth  generation.  The   licensed  telecommunications  companies   technologies  over  the  past  five  years.
        statement said  that  the renewal  of the   to expand their coverage and maintain and   We also call on them  to raise the  urban
        license  granted to the  company  came   replace the stations and towers that were   imposed  on  civil-use communications
        after several meetings  with  the company   destroyed  by the aggression  in order  to   equipment as essential services affecting
        and under an official request submitted by   improve and improve the communications   the lives  of  civilians  and daily  life, and
        SabaFon Company to renew the license of   services provided  to citizens  in all   a  right guaranteed by  the covenants.
        the second generation and application for   governorates of the Republic, thus reducing   Human  rights and international  laws.
        a license to operate the fourth generation,   the poor coverage and the low  quality  of   According  to the agreement  signed  by
        which the company submitted  to the   telecommunications  services suffered by   SabaFon Chairman, the company  was
        ministry  last  June.  Eng.  Misfer  Abdullah   them. Citizen, noting the role provided by all   granted  a  renewal  of the mobile  license
        Al-Numair,  Minister  of Communications   telecommunications  companies  in order   for two years until the  end  of 2021 for
        and  Information  Technology,  pointed   to continue to provide communications   the  second  generation  as  a  final  period
        out the importance of this agreement for   services to Yemeni  citizens in various   for this technology to move to the fourth
        SabaFon to give it the opportunity to move   governorates of  the Republic  in  light   generation  in line with the technological
        to 4G technology and develop its operating   of the aggression and siege. He also   developments.

        Mobile Operators to Disclose Their Impact on Climate

        Many  of the world’s  largest  mobile   said,  “[This]  announcement  marks  the   Corporation, KPN, KT Corporation, LG Uplus,
        operator  groups  have agreed  to start   start of a collaborative action by the mobile   Magyar  Telekom, Millicom International,
        disclosing their climate impacts as part a   industry to tackle the climate emergency,   MTN  Group,  MTS, NTT  DOCOMO,  Oi
        new initiative led by the GSMA. More than   demonstrating  how the private  sector   Móvel, Orange  Group,  Proximus, Reliance
        50  mobile operators – which  together   can show leadership and responsibility in   Jio,  Rogers  Communications, Singtel,
        account  for more than two-thirds of   addressing one of the gravest challenges   SK  Telecom,  SoftBank  Corp.,  Spark  New
        mobile connections  globally –  are now   facing our planet. “The mobile industry will   Zealand, Sprint Corporation, StarHub, STC,
        disclosing  their climate impacts, energy   form the backbone of the future economy   Sunrise, Swisscom, T-Mobile USA, Taiwan
        and greenhouse  gas  (GHG)  emissions   and therefore has a unique opportunity to   Mobile, Tele2 AB, Telecom Italia, Telefónica,
        via  the internationally  recognized CDP   drive change across multiple sectors and in   Telekom Austria,  Telenor  Group, Telia
        global disclosure system.  The move will   collaboration with our suppliers, investors   Company, Telkom SA, Telstra Corporation,
        enable full transparency for investors and   and customers.” Paul Simpson,  CEO  of   TELUS  Communications,  TIM  Brasil,  True
        customers  involved in  the mobile  sector,   CDP, said that through  the  disclosures,   Corp., Turkcell,  Verizon, Vodacom  Group,
        the GSMA said, noting  that  many of the   “mobile operators will be able to measure   Vodafone  Group  and Zain Group. The
        companies are disclosing for the first time.   and understand their environmental   GSMA said the new pathway will  help
        The next step will see the development of   impact, helping them to build sustainability   mobile  operators  set their own targets
        a decarburization pathway for the mobile   into the heart of their businesses.” GSMA   faster. However, it noted that the timescale
        industry,  aligned  with  the  Science-Based   operator members that are disclosing via   at  which individual companies  reach the
        Targets  initiative  (SBTi),  to  be  in  place   CDP  include  América  Móvil,  AT&T  Inc.,   target will depend on a number of factors,
        by February 2020.  This will  include  the   Axiata Group, Bell Canada, Bharti Airtel, BT   including  their geographic  location and
        development  of an industry-wide plan to   Group, China Mobile, China Telecom, China   their ability  to  access renewable  energy.
        achieve net-zero GHG emissions by 2050   Unicom,  Chunghwa Telecom,  Deutsche   The GSMA expects that some companies
        in line  with the Paris Agreement.  Mats   Telekom,  DNA Plc, Elisa  Corporation,  Far   will meet the net-zero target significantly
        Granryd, Director General of the GSMA,   EasTone,  Globe  Telecom,  Inmarsat,  KDDI   ahead of the 2050 deadline.
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