Page 143 - SAMENA Trends - September 2019
P. 143



        The revenues  of the telecommunications  and information   that this comes under  royal  directives to create an investment
        technology  sectors by the  end  of 2018 reached  US$2.2  billion,   environment capable of providing services and boost partnership
        marking a 4.5 per cent growth rate for the two sectors combined,   with the private sector.  The  TRC is also keen  on preparing  the
        the ICT Association of Jordan announced. According to an [email   requirements and appropriate environment  to accommodate
        protected] survey, $1.42 billion of revenue was attributed to the   5G services in the local market in coordination with the service
        telecommunications  sector,  with  a  growth rate  of 1.5  per cent,   providers,  he  added.  He stated that the  goal is to introduce
        and $750 million in revenue to the IT sector, that grew by 10.7 per   these services in the near future, make it available to users at a
        cent, attributing this increase to tax incentives endorsed in 2016.   reasonable cost, and bring in investors from the private sector.
        The survey was based on data [email protected] collected from   5G is marked by its high speeds of transferring large data and
        ICT companies in the Kingdom, and showed that Jordan is still   its  integration with  advanced technology  based on modern
        a strategic destination for ICT sectors in the region, the Jordan   techniques,  allowing it  to become  an  economic  platform that
        News Agency, Petra, reported. A total of 17,698 employees worked   supports the transition to a digital economy and the concepts of
        for the ICT sectors in 2018, without any change in the number   the Fourth Industrial Revolution, Jabour said. He pointed out that
        when compared to 2017, [email protected] said, noting that the   the network also provides services and applications in the health,
        sector witnessed “strong” female participation, as opportunities   education,  transport, water, industry  and smart  cities sectors.
        for women increased by 3 per cent. Males occupy 67 per cent of   (September 16, 2019)
        the total jobs in the sector. As for exports, the IT sector’s exports
        in 2018 totaled $262 million, where the Gulf Cooperation Council   Jordan advanced by 11.5 points in the mobile connectivity to the
        countries  and Iraq amounted  to 60.5 per  cent  of the  sector’s   Internet index to 53.8 points in 2018, compared to 42.3 points in
        exports, while local revenues stood at $487 million, which means   2014, as shown by a Global System for Mobile Communications
        that 65 per cent of the revenues were generated from the local   Association  report.  The  index,  which  includes  163 countries,
        economy, according to Petra. The association said that despite   evaluates the advancements  of countries  in terms of Internet
        the 19 per cent increase in local IT revenue in 2018, the sector’s   use over the period  2014-2018,  the Jordan News Agency,
        growth rate in revenue went down by 2.2 per cent. The investment   Petra reported. On the international  competitiveness  index,
        volume in the telecommunications sector went down in 2018 by   the  Kingdom  advanced  four  ranks in 2018 to the  52nd  among
        9.5 per cent to $192 million, Petra reported.          63 countries, compared with the 56th in 2017, according  the
        (September 22, 2019)                   annual report  of the International Institute for Management
                                                               Development.  This index  is an “important” tool for policy
        The Telecommunications  Regulatory  Commission  (TRC) said   makers and decision  makers in various economic  sectors,  as
        that Jordan is preparing to introduce the 5th generation cellular   it  ranks  the competitiveness of  the overall  economy  and sub-
        network (5G) technology  in a  move that  aims  to make the   sectors, while relying on factors such as economic performance,
        Kingdom a  frontrunner  in bringing  advanced  services to  the   government  efficiency,  business  efficiency  and  infrastructure,
        market. Chairman of the TRC, Ghazi Jabour, said the commission   according to Petra. Telecommunication Regulatory Commission
        spoke to the country’s three mobile telecommunications service   Chief Commissioner Ghazi Jbour said that the advancement in
        providers, Zain, Orange, and Umniah, about conducting technical   international indexes  reflects the Kingdom’s  development  in
        experiments to operate the 5G technology using the 3640-3700   various sectors, noting that the mobile connectivity to the Internet
        MHz and 3740-3800 MHz frequency bands. In a press statement,   is an important ranking that shows the level of development in the
        Jabour pointed to the TRC’s keenness to provide the necessary   information and communications technology sector.
        support  for the implementation  of  these experiments,  noting    (August 31, 2019)


        The  Chairman of regulatory authority  Eng. Salim Al-Ozainah,   the Chinese company (Huawei) and its future partnerships. Al-
        confirmed that he is keen to turn the Kuwait into a regional center   Ozainah added that Citra, in the framework of its future strategy,
        for data storage and preservation. This was made in a statement   is working to transform Kuwait into an economic center for the
        made by the Kuwait News Agency (KUNA) on the chairmanship   environment, in order to implement the vision of His Highness the
        of the Delegation  of the State of Kuwait  at  the events of the   Amir of the country, Sheikh Sabah Al-Ahmad Al Jaber Al Sabah
        Conference (Huawei Connect 2019) which is held in the Chinese   (New 2035) in the fields of communications and the technology
        city of Shanghai entitled “Smart Development” from September   of information. He revealed the project of the general corridor for
        the 18th  to  the 20th  and that  is  to  announce  the strategy of   communications, which will link Kuwait to Iraq, passing through
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