Page 138 - SAMENA Trends - September 2019
P. 138


        Swiss Regulator Clears Sunrise Move for UPC

        Sunrise scored a win in its troubled move   largest operator  in Switzerland. It  added   creating a  new, converged,  operator.  The
        to acquire Liberty Global’s cable operator   the companies “complement  each other   approval will be welcome relief for Sunrise,
        UPC  Switzerland,  after its  domestic   in many areas”, noting  the acquisition   which is embroiled in a spat with its largest
        competition  authority gave the deal a   would beef up Sunrise’s ability to compete   shareholder,  Freenet,  over the terms of
        green  light. In a  statement,  the Swiss   with market leader  Swisscom by offering   the CHF6.3 billion ($6.3 billion) deal. With
        competition  commission explained the   “landline,  broadband internet  and mobile   regulatory  hurdles cleared,  Sunrise noted
        tie-up “does not  create or  strengthen  a   services” along with digital TV “on its own   the next step will be a shareholder meeting
        dominant position” in any of the markets   infrastructure”. In a statement, Sunrise CEO   scheduled  for 23 October.  It  expects  to
        where the companies operate, even    Olaf Swantee said the clearance was “an   close the transaction by end-November.
        though  it will make Sunrise  the second-  important milestone” on the road towards

        NCC Vows to Protect Telecoms Consumers against Cybercrime

        The  Director,  Consumer  Affairs  Bureau,   that the theme of the event was aimed at   address, said the town hall meeting (CTM)
        Nigerian  Communications  Commission   highlighting  the threats of cybercrime  to   was to bring together telecoms consumers
        (NCC), Mrs. Felicia Onwuegbuchulam said   users of telecoms services and to sensitize   in the rural and semi-urban areas, adding
        the commission is more than determined   them on the role they needed  to play   that such was to bring them together with
        to protect telecoms consumers from   against the preying eyes of cyber criminals   service providers as well as the regulator
        cyber  criminals  in the country,  adding   and hackers. Onwuegbuchulam  stated   for a face-to-face interaction  on telecom
        that  it  has  evolved measures to achieve   further that  consumers were important   issues affecting the consumers. According
        this.  Onwuegbuchulam, who made the   stakeholders  in the current cyber space,   to him, “This was  organized to sensitize
        disclosure at the 53rd Consumer Town Hall   noting  that individuals and corporate   telecoms  consumers on the rising wave
        meeting  of the commission  held in Oyo,   users of telecom devices often make use   of cybercrime in its  various forms, the
        also  said the theme:  ”Mitigating Effects   of internet  in the connected  world. “it  is   dangers  it poses and  the  role,  which
        of Cybercrimes: The  Role  of Telecom   our  belief as  a commission,  that without   telecoms consumers are expected to play
        Consumers,”  was  aimed at  informing   consumers becoming aware of cybercrime   in reducing the impacts of cybercrimes on
        and educating  consumers  on the roles   trends and making efforts to ensure safe   them. “Let me emphasize at this juncture
        required of them in mitigating cybercrime.   use of connected devices, cyber criminals   that while the regulatory intervention and
        Represented  by  her deputy, Alhaji  Ismail   will continue to make cyberspace unsafe.   other  initiatives are ongoing  to sanitize
        Adedigba,  she said the NCC evolved the   “Our belief is that the most effective ways   our internet space, telecoms  consumers
        initiative to  identify,  discuss and jointly   to protect telecom consumers from effects   must play their response. Thus, the need
        proffer effective solutions  to different   of cybercrime is  through  continuous   for you all to take this meeting seriously as
        issues  affecting telecoms  consumers   consumer education and awareness such   we educate you on what your roles should
        in the country.  According to her, “As a   as the one we are having here today,” she   be in minimizing the effect of cybercrime.”
        tripartite program, the forum  aims  to, on   said. She maintained that the commission   The  Alaafin  of  Oyo,  Oba  Lamidi  Adeyemi,
        a  continuous  basis,  engage  telecoms   had embarked  on various initiatives   lauded  the  NCC for educating  the people
        consumers  by  educating,  informing and   to  increase  access to  the internet  for   on cybercrime, its  various forms, the
        empowering  them with information they   Nigerians, adding that they are conscious   dangers  it  poses  and the role expected
        need  to know, their  rights  when  violated   of dishonest individuals using the internet   of consumers  in mitigating such  danger.
        by the service providers. “Since we started   for illegal activities. “The hackers and cyber   The monarch, who was  represented  by
        organizing this  event some years  back,   criminals deploy  sophisticated  systems   the Bashorun of Oyo, Chief Yusuf Ayoola,
        we have treated different thematic topics,   to intrude into your connected devices as   called on NCC to make the interface regular
        which  have produced  key resolutions   telecoms  consumers to perpetrate their   so  as  to  reduce  cybercrime drastically  in
        that  have been  communicated  to service   exploitation schemes. Cybercrime is on the   the  society.  He also warned  the  youths
        providers for implementation. “Indeed, this   increase. The commission is committed to   to  shun criminal activities  among which
        has helped to guarantee improved services   using its various outreach programmes to   is cybercrime,  urging  them  to embrace
        and value for money  spent on telecom   embark on series of awareness campaigns   honesty, patience and hard work, which he
        services for the consumers.  Telecom   with a view to keeping  consumers  well   said, were hallmarks of the Yoruba.
        consumers  have been  the ultimate   informed on the risks associated with being
        beneficiaries of the initiatives.” She added   online,” she said. Adedigba, in his personal

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