Page 137 - SAMENA Trends - September 2019
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        Winner – Mozambique                  and less populated  areas. The  upcoming   and devastating effect on the lives of
        ITU Telecom World Host Country Awards:   World  Radiocommunication  Conference   people. ITU joined the Crisis Connectivity
        Winner – Tresorit, Hungary           2019 will find solutions to the shared use   Charter, a  mechanism created  between
        Highlights of the Forum Summit, ministerial   of limited radio-frequency spectrum in the   the satellite industry and the  wider
        roundtables and panel discussions at ITU   centenary  spirit  of consensus.  A session   humanitarian community,  to  improve
        Telecom World 2019 included:         on new radiocommunication technologies   coordination  and  enhance  disaster
        A ministerial roundtable  on the role   provided an overview of innovative ways   response  and preparedness through
        of  government  in  deploying  the  fifth   to  provide affordable connectivity  to  all.   emergency  telecommunications.  Satellite
        generation  of mobile technologies  -   These  include  high-altitude  platform   communications are often used for rescue
        5G  -  and other high-capacity  network   systems (HAPS), small satellites and non-  and relief operations as well as in vital life-
        concluded  that  each country  should   GSO satellite systems.           saving responses, since  they remain as
        have its own strategy to ensure their   The  ‘Smart  ABC’  program  shared  insight   a  resilient solution even when terrestrial
        people  have affordable  access  to mobile   into the latest advances at the intersection   communications  have been  severely
        broadband  communications.  There is no   of artificial intelligence, banking and smart   damaged.
        one-size-fits-all  formula.  Policy-makers   cities.                     ITU,  in  partnership with  Cisco,  launched
        and regulators have a  key role to play in   ITU is developing the global standards for   the Digital  Transformation  Initiative to
        defining this strategy.              IMT-2020  which  are  expected  to  define   equip  people  with the skills  needed  to
        Radio technologies  play  a  central role   “5G”  in  2020.  Industry  preparations for   effectively  participate in  today’s  digital
        in meaningful connectivity, and global   IMT-2020  dominated the debate  at  a   society and economy  and accelerate
        harmonization  of the  radio-frequency   meeting of Chief Technology Officers.  digital transformation.
        spectrum  is  vital  for  efficient  use  and   The ‘Smart  Incubator’  program  brought   The winners of the ITU Innovation Challenge
        economies  of  scale.  A  dialogue  of   together  start-ups  from  developing  and the 24  female entrepreneurs who
        regulators  concluded  that  governments   countries  to discuss how international   made up the first-ever EQUALS delegation
        and industry  needed  to  strengthen   standards support business growth.  at  Telecom are making  a  positive impact
        partnerships  and use  a mix of both   Disasters kill  at least one  million  people   in their communities and throughout  the
        incumbent  and innovative terrestrial  and   each decade and leave millions more   world through their tech and tech-related
        space services  to provide connectivity   homeless. When disasters strike, such as   enterprises.
        not only to urban  areas, but also  rural   Hurricane Dorian, they have an immediate

        Malaysia Regulator Changes Tune to Spur Competition

        The  Chairman of Malaysia’s comm-    prices  fell  48  per cent,  uptake increased   start  a  5G  testbed  and showcase in Q4
        unications  regulator  credited  progressive   21  per cent,  and operators  introduced   2019, which will  run for six  months. A
        legislation  and operators  for  fuelling  a   higher-speed mobile and fixed broadband   priority for the fiber plan was to accelerate
        rapid national transformation, from being   packages.  Despite the sharp  price   network deployments. Top of the list was
        an internet laggard into one of Southeast   reductions, the total market capitalization   optimizing  spectrum allocation to enable
        Asia’s  most competitive markets.  In   of five telecoms companies in the country   introduction  of high-speed  services. The
        a  report  released in September 2018,   increased 25  per cent between  October   regulator  is  exploring  assignments in six
        World Bank slated Malaysia for lagging in   2018  and August  2019.  “We’ve proved in   bands, and will start a public inquiry for the
        broadband  coverage and adoption,  along   one year  that  nothing  is  impossible,”  he   700MHz, 2300MHz and 2600MHz bands in
        with a lack of competition because a single   said,  adding the  government  now sees   Q4. Ishak said the average processing time
        provider held a high market concentration.   internet  access is not a privilege  or a   for a tower approval is four-to-six months,
        Al-Ishsal Ishak, Chairman of the Malaysian   luxury, but a  necessity and an economic   with an average of 20 forms to complete
        Communications    and    Multimedia  driver. “This is the first step and we need   and a fee of $2,000 per tower. The country
        Commission  (MCMC), said it  and the   to learn. But we are well on the way.” The   has 150 local governments and 15 states,
        industry acted quickly, releasing a National   5G  task  force  will  submit  a  final  report   one of which charges $16,000 in fees per
        Fiber and Connectivity  Plan, and setting   to the ICT minister in the  last quarter of   site.
        up a  5G  task  force a  month later.  In  the   the year.  The timeline for commercial  5G
        three  quarters  to  end-June,  fiber  access   launches  is  2021  or 2022, with  plans to

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