Page 132 - SAMENA Trends - September 2019
P. 132


        Regulator Settles 5G Spectrum Dispute between Telefónica and 1 & 1 Drillisch

        The dispute between Telefónica and 1 & 1   on the exact allocation in the middle range   Telefónica  and  1  &  1  Drillisch  would  not
        Drillisch led to an extra seven week-long   between  the frequency  blocks  awarded   comment on the dispute. A spokesperson
        delay in the allocation of 5G frequencies.   to  the  other  two.  1  &  1  Drillisch  spent   for  United  Internet  (which  owns  1  &  1  reported that  the spectrum   €1.07 billion on 5G frequencies to enable   Drillisch), Mathias Brandes, told
        allocation at  the Marathon  spectrum   its  CEO, the self-made billionaire Ralf   “We are in talks about a national roaming
        auction,  which  finally  concluded  on  12   Dommermuth,  to  achieve his  dream  of   agreement  with  network operators  and
        June,  having begun  in March,  had given   founding a fourth German mobile network.   talking  to potential partners about grid
        rise to a  disagreement  between the two   In  Janaury  2019, after Drillisch said  it   construction.  Once  this is done, we can
        parties.  A  statement from Telefónica   would enter the spectrum auction and rely   work with grid planning and construction
        Deutschland said the spectrum allocation   on network roaming for national coverage   can begin.”  Telefónica’s  spokesperson,
        for Vodafone and Deutsche  Telekom   while building out 5G, Reuters commented   Guido  Heitmann,  confirmed  the  regulator
        (DT) was clear at  the end  of the auction   that  Drillisch, “Threatens to  shake up   had  carried  out  the  final  allocation  and
        in the 3.6GHz  (3.4GHz  to 3.7GHz) range.   a  cosy oligopoly  that has left Europe’s   that that company was satisfied with the
        Vodafone  gained the lower end of the   largest economy lagging  on connectivity   decision,  and  “Based  on  this  allocation,
        3.6 GHz spectrum, from 3.4 GHz upward,   just as the  United  States, China and   more concrete planning  of frequency
        while DT was  awarded  the upper  range,   South  Korea forge ahead  on 5G.” The   usage for the further grid expansion is now
        from 3.7GHz  downwards.  Telefónica and   dispute over the middle ground caused an   possible.”
        1 & 1 Drillisch were left needing to agree   additional delay of just under seven weeks.

        ETSI Demonstrates Latest OSM Release SIX - Gain Hands-On Experience at
        the ETSI OSM Hackfest

        The   upcoming  ETSI  Open   Source  of its Service  Assurance  (SA) framework   topics such as the applicability of several
        MANO Hackfest, in Patras,  Greece,  will   now enables control, storage and reaction   virtualized service functions over vehicular
        showcase  and demonstrate  the recently   to  a  much wider set  of events and   networks  and how such  platforms can
        announced  ETSI  OSM  Release  SIX.  New   conditions.  Release  SIX  also  delivers  an   leverage and facilitate test activities for the
        users will  gain hands-on experience   improved control over orchestration roles   automotive industry will also be covered.
        with  OSM,  being  guided  through  various   with  fine-grained  control  of  operations   Tata Elxsi, a global digital and technology
        functionalities  from  basic operations -   per  role and project,  and better  real-  services provider and an OSM participant
        installation  and  configuration  -  to  more   time feedback to the operator. ETSI has   and distributor, will showcase an end-to-
        advanced capabilities, such as 5G network   led the standardization world  in using   end service orchestrator solution for the
        slicing and closed loop operation, with  a   Plugtests interoperability events and   broadcast industry  based on ETSI  OSM
        focus on network services, a  modelling   advanced  specification  techniques  to   Release  SIX  at  IBC,  on  13-17  September
        of virtual network  functions  and on-  improve the  quality of its standards and   in Amsterdam. The ETSI OSM community
        boarding activities. Experienced users and   facilitate the development of interoperable   keeps growing and 20 more organizations,
        developers  will  have  the opportunity  to   products.  “Through  these  events,  including  new service providers, VNF
        build  complex  examples and experiment   specific  working  tools  and  an  extensive   vendors  and integrators,  have joined  the
        with  OSM  code,  fine-tune,  test  and   review of our engineering  processes,   group  since  OSM  Release  FIVE.  The list
        demonstrate  new features over the   we’re onboarding the new generation of   includes A10 Networks, Accenture, Adlink
        OSM  Remote  Labs network. ETSI OSM   telecoms  professionals who will  expect   Technologies, Aptira, Benu Networks, Easy
        Release SIX facilitates the management of   to work in an agile and innovative way,”   Global Market, Ecode  Networks,  Everis
        complex services thanks to the extended   states Adrian Scrase,  ETSI’s CTO.  A “5G   Spain SLU, hSenid  Mobile Solutions,
        capabilities to create network  service   Day” will  take place during  the Hackfest   Hillstone Networks  Corporation, NCSR
        operations (primitives). It includes support   on  11 September to discuss  how ETSI   Demokritos,  NOS Technology, Optare
        for edge platforms, enabling the delivery of   Open Source MANO is enabling key 5G use   Solutions,  STC Solution,  Strikr Systems
        end-to-end service and slice orchestration   cases. Advanced media applications such   LLP, Tata  Consultancy Services, Telenity,
        from the edge to the core, a critical point   as virtual reality or live ultra-high-quality   Thinkpalm Technologies  Pvt Ltd, Ubitech
        for 5G networks. In addition, the extension   video transfer will  be discussed. Other   Ltd, University of Patras, Videotron.

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