Page 158 - SAMENA Trends - September-October 2022
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        information report, the  authority  has  recommended  payment   Radio Communication (License) Rules. The changes make certain
        of Rs733  million  in  foreign  currency  for bandwidth  and  service   frequencies  (within  ‘30MHz  to 10.5GHz’  ranges)  available  for
        charges  of different  telecom operators for  the  period mid-June   telemetry services to non-telecoms operators at a cost of NPR12
        to  mid-July.  The  authority  has  also  recommended payment  of   million (USD91,000) per MHz. NEA is expected to vastly expand its
        Rs289.19 million in foreign currency for the telecommunications   fledgling smart meter network with the eventual aim of installing
        equipment  of different  telecom operators for  the  same  period.   six million devices. In February this year, IoT Time reported that
        According  to Khanal,  the  authority had recommended  merging   NEA had been  waiting  three  years for  the  opportunity  to gain
        telecommunications operators to the  government  in  2017.  “We   spectrum licenses in the 393MHz-398.5MHz band.
        have made a few updates to the previous draft,” he said. Service   (October 6, 2022) NepaliTelecom
        providers wishing to merge have to submit an application to the
        authority  with  an  audit  report  and  declaration.  If the  paperwork   The  Nepal  Telecommunications Authority (NTA) has  permitted
        fulfils the requirements, the authority will provide an agreement in   government-backed Nepal Telecom to sell and distribute M2M/IoT
        principle for the merger and facilitate the process. The authority   SIM cards with a new dedicated number range, having previously
        has declared that aspiring telecommunications service providers   ordered the telco to cease selling the SIMs last year. A report from
        need to have a paid-up capital of Rs50 million. "Hundreds of old says that the ban had caused revenue losses
        telecommunications licensees do not have the required amount   ‘in millions’ as the operator missed out on connecting ‘a possible
        of paid-up capital," Khanal said. “They will have to come up with   400 M2M/IoT SIM cards every day.’ Nepal Telecom representative
        the required paid-up capital themselves or by merging with other   Ranjit Lohiya confirmed that the company was resuming offering
        companies.” (October 11, 2022)   SIMs for device-to-device operations using a special number range
                                                               as per the National Numbering Plan. The report added that Nepal
        Nepal Electricity Authority has belatedly been permitted to apply   Telecom had previously ’sold over 70,000 M2M SIM cards.’
        for frequencies to operate next-generation remote smart energy   (September 16, 2022)
        meters, following a  Council of Ministers  decision  to amend  the


        A license for postal and related services activity has been granted   ers, should from now on obtain a prior permit before starting to set
        to three more companies, two of which are international and one   up telecom towers whether on a public or private land. According
        is  local,  Telecommunications  Regulatory  Authority  (TRA),  said.   to the new regulations, telecom towers should be set up at least
        A statement issued online by TRA said: "The authority issues a   three meters higher than the adjacent building and should be sur-
        license  for postal  services  and  related  services  to  international   rounded by a fence excluding the towers that are set up on building
        companies (foreign investment) and a local company classified   edges. The regulations issued by Salim bin Nasser al Aufi, Chair-
        under the category of small and medium enterprises, which are:   man of the Board of Directors of the Telecommunications Regu-
        iMile, Mandoobkum and Safe Way Express Cargo.The number of   latory Authority on Sunday, apply to both permanent and interim
        licensed postal companies is currently 40." The objectives of the   telecom towers. As per the regulations, a licensee should, before
        licenses issued by the Authority are as follows:       submitting an application to set up a telecom tower, negotiate with
        1. To compete  to provide  better  services  in  the  postal  services   the other licensees in the same area in order to share existing tow-
          sector.                                              ers with them or provide proof of the impossibility of sharing the
        2. Provide options for beneficiaries.                  tower to the TRA. The licensee should propose three locations not
        3. Keep pace with the growth in e-commerce.            within densely populated areas for setting up the tower to the au-
        4. Provide permanent and temporary job opportunities, and training   thority to select the most suitable one. The licensee should com-
          opportunities.                                       plete the construction of the tower within a period of 120 days.
        (September 20, 2022)               Service and maintenance of the telecom tower should be carried
                                                               out only by one of the companies authorized by the TRA. The tele-
        Natural or legal persons, authorized by Telecommunications Reg-  com tower should have sufficient capacity to accommodate three
        ulatory Authority (TRA) to set up, manage or operate telecom tow-  more users at least. (September 19, 2022)

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