Page 156 - SAMENA Trends - September-October 2022
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communication among African experts to exchange insights and a specialized training program. Such a training program actually
utilize the leading experience of Egypt in this field. In this regard, encompasses many academic and professional experts from
NTRA had inaugurated EG-ATRC as the first of its kind in Africa to Egypt who would contribute to a promising digital economy across
provide training courses in telecom-regulation. The center actually Africa. Furthermore, EG-ATRC aims to provide training courses
paves the road for telecom experience to be exchanged across for 150 specialized individuals annually, via specialized training
the African countries and aims to achieve a unified vision among courses designed and taught by an elite of international experts.
telecom regulators, and other relevant African entities, through (September 18, 2022)
Iran has announced plans to launch another domestically-built activities in the field of aerospace in the mid-90s. Khayyam was
satellite, the Zafar-2, into orbit, IRNA reported, citing the Iran the last satellite launched into space on 09 August, by a Russian
University of Science and Technology. Zafar-2 follows first satellite Soyuz sent up from Kazakhstan's Baikonur Cosmodrome, to
Navid, built in 2011, second satellite Mobin, built in 2013, and third monitor Iran’s borders and improve the country’s management and
satellite Zafar-1, built in 2015. The university said it has gained planning of agriculture, natural resources, environmental issues,
satellite technology to fulfill the country’s needs and is ready to mining, and natural disasters.
export the know-how to other countries. Iran started its research (September 15, 2022)
Jordanian industry watchdog the Telecommunication Regulatory disclosed but Minister of Digital Economy and Entrepreneurship
Commission (TRC) has signed an agreement with mobile provider Ahmed Hanandeh noted that the government is looking to
Zain which it says paves the way for the introduction of 5G facilitate the establishment of 5G infrastructure and to incentivize
services in Jordan. The agreement is the third of its kind, with the introduction of 5G services.
Zain’s rival mobile providers Umniah and Orange Jordan having (September 12, 2022)
inked equivalents last month. Details of the agreement were not
Kuwait’s Ministry of Communications (MoC) has signed an soon as possible’. Al-Zaid said the latest step came after several
agreement with an advisory body to complete a feasibility study meetings involving the MoC and partnership agencies to develop
on the privatization of fixed telecoms networks through a public- fixed telecoms networks, and falls within the ministry’s aspirations
private partnership project, reports. MoC to provide new employment opportunities for Kuwaiti youth and
spokesperson Mishaal Al-Zaid said that the project had received boost national revenues in line with Kuwait’s Vision 2035. The
significant attention from Rana Al-Faris, who holds the dual roles MoC is Kuwait’s monopoly PSTN fixed voice network operator
of Minister of State for Municipal Affairs and Minister of State and the owner of national DSL and fiber broadband networks to
for Communications & Information Technology. At a meeting which it facilitates wholesale access for ISPs. GCD adds that in
with the Advisory Office on Investment & Development of the August 2019 the Higher Council for Privatization was reportedly
Telecommunications Sector attended by the Joint Committee part-way through a feasibility study for privatizing the MoC’s fixed
of the Department of Public-Private Partnership Projects, the telecoms operating division, but it has taken more than three years
minister reportedly urged the agencies involved to ‘speed up for further developments on the issue to emerge.
work and overcome all obstacles’ to implement the project ‘as (September 30, 2022)