Page 157 - SAMENA Trends - September-October 2022
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        The  CEO  of Lebanese  cellco Alfa, Jad  Nassif,  has  outlined  a   the first quarter of 2023’. Mr. Nassif also claimed that Alfa has full
        ‘network availability action plan’ to be implemented in coordination   ‘technical readiness’ and ‘preparedness’ to launch 5G, disclosing
        with  the  Ministry  of  Telecommunications  (MoT),  stating  that   that the operator has conducted 5G tests on eleven ‘live’ 5G sites in
        currently ‘60% of Alfa sites enjoy a high service availability that   Greater Beirut with 1.8Gbps data speeds. On another issue, Nassif
        ranges between 90%-96% in regions such as Jbeil, Keserwan and   commented on  customer behavior following  Lebanon’s  recent
        West Bekaa’, dropping to ‘less than 80% in other areas such as   state-ordered telecoms service price increases. From 1 July Alfa
        Beirut  and Mrajeyoun’ giving  an average network availability  of   and Touch effectively raised rates fivefold in local currency, despite
        around 87%. The CEO said that the issue would be tackled on a   locally-denominated wages having lost most of their value during
        region-by-region  basis  to achieve  a  target  network  availability   the  country’s  economic crisis,  in  a  move  which  the  operators
        figure of ‘95% on average across Lebanon’. To assist this plan, he   and the MoT deemed vital to return the sector to profitability and
        added that ‘237 sites have been equipped so far with solar energy   prevent  networks from  shutting  down.  Nassif  stated  that  Alfa
        and work is underway to equip 50 additional sites.’ The MoT is   ‘witnessed a drop in data and voice services consumption in the
        working with both Alfa and its fellow state-owned mobile operator   first two months after the new tariffs came into effect … within our
        Touch on network improvement plans, with the cellcos currently   expectations’ but added: ‘Today, this consumption is stabilizing,
        citing  electricity  outages  and  site  thefts  –  including  backhaul   especially in terms of data, which indicates that the Lebanese are
        cable theft – as the two largest factors negatively affecting their   adapting to the adjustments in the sector which were inevitable to
        services. Furthermore, the Alfa CEO claimed that his company will   ensure continuity.’
        launch VoLTE services ‘to 350,000 eligible [smartphone owners] in   (September 27, 2022)


        The  Nepal  Telecommunications  Authority  has  prepared  a  draft   capacity of firms to install updated technology, promote service
        regulation  that  allows  telecommunications  service providers   expansion and lessen overheads besides providing other benefits.
        to merge.  “Both  voice telephone  operators and  internet  service   It will also boost the confidence of customers." Khanal added that
        operators can go for merger once the proposed regulation comes   they had  recommended to the  government  to facilitate  merger
        into force,”  said  Purushottam Khanal,  chairman of the  country's   of telecommunications operators. "We hope the  government
        telecom regulator. The authority has proposed to facilitate mergers   provides incentives to merge like waiving capital gains tax. This
        to streamline the telecommunications service industry. Currently,   will encourage service providers to go for merger." According to
        there is no guideline governing the merger of telecommunications   the authority, there are 204 telecommunications service providers
        operators. The authority has sent the draft regulation to the Ministry   operating in the country. There are three voice telephone service
        of Communication and Information Technology for its review. The   providers—Nepal Telecom, Ncell and Smart Telecom—with 41.93
        ministry will forward it to the cabinet for final approval. Sebantak   million voice telephone subscribers as of mid-July, according to
        Pokharel,  spokesperson  for the  Ministry  of Communication and   the management information report of the authority. Among them,
        Information Technology, said they received the draft two weeks   Nepal Telecom accounts for 22.51 million subscribers, Ncell 17
        ago. “We  will  hold  discussions  on the  draft  with  the  concerned   million  and  Smart  Telecom 2.37  million.  Internet  subscribers
        stakeholders  and  reveal  the  terms  in  it  after  it  is  finalized,”  he   in  the  country  number 38.42  million,  of which  20.69  million  are
        said.  “The  ministry will  send  the  draft  to the  cabinet  once it  is   mobile  broadband  users  of Nepal  Telecom, 9.18  million  Ncell
        decided.” Khanal  said  a merger decision  could be  made by the   internet subscribers, 146,382 Smart Telecom internet subscribers
        annual  general  meeting  of the  telecommunications  companies.   and 8.39 million subscribers of other internet service providers.
        He said the draft also contained a provision on forceful merger. “If   "Huge  amounts are  spent  on technology and  equipment  in  the
        the regulator orders problematic service providers to merge, they   telecom  sector,  but  many  of  the  firms  collapse,  resulting  in
        have  to proceed accordingly.  Two or more  telecommunications   wastage of money and loss of jobs," Khanal said. "If such telecom
        operators can merge. The regulation will benefit small companies   service providers are sustained through merger and brought into
        in  rural  areas  too,”  he  said.  "Consolidation  will  strengthen   a  competitive  environment,  it  will  benefit  the  company  and  the
        telecommunications service providers in terms of investment, and   customer too," he said. "There are 138 internet service providers
        customers will be spared the hassle of changing service providers   in Nepal resulting in a crowded playing field and making life hard
        if their company closes down," Khanal said. "This will increase the   for small-scale service providers." According to the management

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