Page 154 - SAMENA Trends - September-October 2022
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                                                                            REGUL                      SAMENA TRENDS

                           A SNAPSHOT OF REGULATORY ACTIVITIES

                                          IN THE SAMENA REGION


        Algeria’s government presented a new General Policy declaration   recent  achievements  in  connectivity  projects,  noting  that  work
        to  parliament,  placing  the  improvement  of  the  quality  of   was  underway  to  increase  international  bandwidth  capacity  to
        connectivity and universal access to high speed internet among   3.8Tbps by the end of 2022 (compared to 2.8Tbps in 2021 and
        its priorities. As reported by Algerie Presse Service, Prime Minister   1.4Tbps in 2019) via optimization of existing infrastructure, while
        Aimene  Benaberrahmane  declared:  ‘Improving  the  quality  of   plans are afoot to join a new submarine cable project earmarked
        connectivity for the benefit of citizens, economic operators and   for  commissioning  in  2025  to strengthen  the  resilience  of the
        public establishments  and the  generalization  of access to high   international transmission network and gradually replace legacy
        and very high speed internet in a ubiquitous manner, are among   cables. (October 6, 2022)
        the priorities of the action of the government.’ The PM highlighted


        In  an  effort  to  encourage  innovation  and  simplify  the   TRA  Bahrain  host  the  Telecommunications  and  Media  Forum
        testing  of emerging  technologies  in  the  kingdom, Bahrain’s   (TMF),  where  telecom  and  media  regulators  from across  the
        Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA) has launched a   Middle  East and Africa  will  meet to discuss  the  industry’s
        new Innovation License. Developing an environment where digital   priorities and best practices. The TMF, is being organized with the
        technologies can thrive underpins the kingdom’s position as one   International  Institute  of Communications (IIC). Speakers from
        of the world’s most advanced telecommunications markets. The   Bahrain,  Saudi Arabia,  Jordan,  the  UK, the  USA,  Germany, and
        Innovation License enables live testing of new technologies and   many other countries will provide a regional view on topics such as
        services  through  a  light-touch regulatory  environment  known   digital transformation, innovation and competition, infrastructure
        as  a  Regulatory  Sandbox.  In  addition,  the  TRA  aims  to  provide   and  connectivity, digital  media  and  on-demand  services, and
        stakeholders  with  clarity  and  confidence  by  enabling  a  flexible   privacy, safety  and  security. Members of civil  society  and
        environment. TRA General Director Philip Marnick said: “The TRA   policymakers will also attend the forum. Philip Marnick, General
        believes that innovation is the key to maintaining leadership in the   Director of TRA, said: “The telecoms industry in the MENA region
        digital space. Accordingly, we encourage companies, universities   is  rapidly  changing  with  the  development  of new  technologies
        and other stakeholders to test and trial new wireless technologies   and services. Regulators must adapt to this evolving landscape
        and services in Bahrain. We are confident that this initiative will   to  ensure  innovation  flourishes  and  new  services  are  delivered.
        further strengthen Bahrain’s position as a technology and regulatory   We  need  to  ensure  consumers get  access  to  the  services  and
        innovator. It will also allow the TRA to continue supporting and   features they need while being protected on-line. Bahrain, one of
        collaborating with organizations across the telecommunications   the most connected and advanced telecommunications markets
        industry.” Holders of an Innovation License will be able to carry   in the world is proud to host the Telecommunications and Media
        out live trials of emerging technologies with consumers to gain   Forum. The forum will allow participants to learn from each other
        insight into how the new products and services may work in the   and discuss effective approaches to the market challenges we all
        market in addition to having quick access to the radio spectrum   face. We look forward to presenting Bahrain’s experience as one of
        for wireless tests. In an effort towards facilitating and attracting   the world’s most advanced and competitive markets – with world-
        investment in emerging technologies, the Innovation License fees   leading 5G coverage and extensive fiber  availability and playing
        will be affordably priced. (October 11, 2022)  a leading role in  shaping  the  future  of the  telecommunications
                                                               industry.” (September 15, 2022)

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