Page 112 - SAMENA Trends - September-October 2020
P. 112


        2. Increased demand  for food. The  rise   our ability  to save the planet as  vital   The use of technology
          in global  population and thus growing   agreements  like the Paris  accord
          demand  for food  has many negative   have  lost  their impetus at  the  behest   to  manage  movement  of
          impacts on the environment,  including   of perceived domestic  demands.  The   people  using IoT,  image
          over-farming,  consumption  of energy,   deteriorating  political climate has  had   recognition  and  AI can  be
          use of chemicals, etc. Our actions have   an equally  detrimental  effect  on  our
          significant  ramifications  in  terms  of   ability  to influence  and control  the   critical to help beat the virus
          biodiversity and natural habitats, driving   coronavirus. The situation is evident on   spreading.  Understanding
          animals  closer and closer  to  humans,   many levels, and between all countries,
          ultimately  exacerbating  the possibility   who are looking out for their  own   the  importance       of
          for so-called zoonotic  diseases.  The   interests, while global organizations   technology  and data  is
          most widely accepted theory about the   fighting on everyone's behalf, are being
          origins of the pandemic is that the virus   actively impaired.            equally  important  for  the
          spread from animals to people through   Thus,  on  a  number  of  significant  global   sustainability agenda. On a
          a  large food  market in China. These   issues, the need for a robust sustainability   global  scale,  complexities
          markets are very popular, but critically   agenda  is closely linked to the situation
          serve as an area for transmission of   that  has  caused and exacerbated the   in  interrelationships  of  all
          sickness from animals to humans.    global corona crisis.                 physical  aspects  of our

           The  crisis  has led  to          On  top of that, the coronavirus  has had   globe, cannot be controlled
           an increase  in  remote           several direct negative and positive effects   and  impacted,  let  alone
                                             on the sustainability  agenda,  which I  will
           communication              and    outline below.                         understood,  if  we  are  not
           healthcare.  Post corona,         Negative effects: Fewer resources  and   adept  at gathering  and
           this  acquired  experience        good deeds                             using data.

           could make education and
           healthcare more accessible        Fewer resources: The heightened attention   Less  recycling:  Many  municipalities
                                                                                 and cities have stopped  waste recycling
                                             on health care and the economy has
           to those who are poor, less       led to a de-prioritization of resources  -   programs and sorting due to  the risk  of
           well off, or just difficult to    medical,  production,  financial,  etc.  –  that   spreading the virus.
                                             would otherwise have been used do drive
           reach.                            sustainability.                     Short cuts to growth: Because companies
                                                                                 are desperate  to get  back on  track
        3. Constant  drive  for  growth  and  profit.   More  non-recyclable  products:  Due  financially,  they  will  choose  the  most
          The global economic  situation  today   to the contagious nature of the virus,   profitable,  but  less  sustainable  options.
          is  dominated by  a  war  on costs and   consumption  of  single-use  plastics  and   The  same effect was  seen  after the
          an all-consuming drive for increased   non-recyclable products has shot through   financial crisis in 2008.
          profits by the business community. This   the roof,
          incessant drive for wealth and growth is
          a massive strain on the environment and
          the fight for equality. Unfortunately, this
          reality  also  supports  the virus,  which
          has thrived in a globally connected and
          growth-fixated  world.  Large  industrial
          cities like Wuhan,  where the virus is
          believed to originate, are the engines for
          the industrialized and globalized world
          and have also become hot spots for the
          global spread of the virus.
        4. Destabilized global politics.  Lately,  we
          have  witnessed  a  destabilization on
          the global  political scene,  increased
          levels of tension, and less international
          cooperation,  often as  a  result of
          conservative leadership  in some of
          the  world's largest countries.  This
          development has dramatically impaired

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