Page 107 - SAMENA Trends - September-October 2020
P. 107


        EC Investigates Poland’s 800 MHz License Award to Sferia In 2013

        EC competition authorities have opened a retroactive investigation   800MHz allocation prior to the full auction in return for handing
        into the Polish government’s award of 800MHz spectrum to fixed-  back its existing license in the same band which it had used for
        wireless operator Sferia, which formed part of the Cyfrowy Polsat/  CDMA-based  fixed-wireless  services.  The  firm  had  previously
        Polkomtel group of companies. An EC statement says the probe   taken  legal action  with the  International  Arbitration  Court but
        is to assess whether the allocation of frequencies was in line with   agreed to drop the case and accept the new 800MHz concession.
        EU state aid rules. The Commission says it received complaints   Sferia’s license expired in 2018 when it refused to pay the PLN1.73
        from  a  number of  rival  telcos, alleging that  in  2013  the Polish   billion renewal fee and the firm stopped offering retail services at
        authorities allocated a 2×5MHz frequency block from the 800MHz   the end of that year.
        digital dividend band to Sferia without a selection procedure, at no
        additional cost and without coverage obligations. Other operators
        – including Orange, T-Mobile and Play – had to wait until a 2015
        auction to acquire spectrum in the same band to support their 4G
        LTE networks. They paid a total of PLN9.23 billion (equivalent to
        USD2.5 billion at that time) for 800MHz and 2.6GHz frequencies,
        including  PLN8.61  billion  just  for  the  800MHz  spectrum  alone,
        with their licenses also subject to minimum  coverage  targets.
        The EU  regulatory  framework  for electronic communications
        requires that member states treat all operators equally. The EC
        statement  reads:  ‘At  this  stage  and  based  on  the  information
        available, the Commission’s preliminary view is that Sferia may
        have been awarded by the Polish authorities 800MHz frequencies
        on more favorable terms than other operators and that, hence, the
        allocation may have amounted to state aid.’ Sferia was granted its

        Incumbents All Launch Official Challenges To Czech 5G Auction

        Czech  mobile  network operators (MNOs)   claimed it had ‘found out from individual   700MHz  and  3400MHz–3600MHz  bands,
        Vodafone  and T-Mobile have reportedly   companies’ that the complaints had been   and  confirmed  its  intention  to  boost
        filed legal complaints against the regulator,   submitted – specifically challenging such   competition by licensing a new player in a
        the  Czech  Telecommunications  Office   things  as plans on  national roaming  and   market that has long faced vocal criticism
        (CTU’s)  planned  auction  of  5G-suitable   the low cap on 3400MHz–3600MHz   from politicians and consumers  for the
        spectrum in the Prague courts, joining rival   frequency  allocations (which they  say   high cost of mobile services. Following
        O2 Czech Republic which lodged its own   will  preclude  gigabit speeds)  – and that   its public  consultation  on its proposals,
        complaint with the European Commission   the watchdog  is  aware of the  situation.   the regulator has highlighted a number of
        (EC) over the terms and conditions  of   As previously reported by CommsUpdate,   key aims of the tender.  Whilst interested
        the  process  in July.  In an article  dated   on  7  August  2020  the  CTU  launched  the   bidders  have until 30  September 2020
        10   September,  CTK  News   Agency  tender  to award radio frequencies  in the   to  submit  applications to  take  part  in
                                                                                  the  auction,  the proposals  met with
                                                                                  immediate skepticism  and criticism from
                                                                                  the incumbents. In  a  statement issued
                                                                                  after  the  watchdog’s  update,  Vodafone
                                                                                  criticized  the  CTU  saying:  ‘Given  the
                                                                                  mistakes and problems in the conditions, it
                                                                                  can be expected that the auction will result
                                                                                  in clashes at courts and also the European
                                                                                  Commission’.  Rival  T-Mobile  also  raised
                                                                                  concerns over the plan, which is seen as
                                                                                  not well  prepared, with  spokesman  Jiri
                                                                                  Janecek  saying:  ‘We  have  to  study  the
                                                                                  conditions  and ponder  our next steps,
                                                                                  including  possible  charges’.  O2  Czech
                                                                                  Republic, meanwhile, had already filed its
                                                                                  complaint with the EC by that date.

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