Page 114 - SAMENA Trends - September-October 2020
P. 114


                           A SNAPSHOT OF REGULATORY ACTIVITIES

                                          IN THE SAMENA REGION


        Technology, local contents  and innovation programs are   the prices, and thus Ministry of Higher Education focuses more
        important needs for internet development and reasonable prices,   on  the  aforementioned  for  telecom  development)”,  explained
        thus, Ministry of Higher Education focuses more on the aforesaid   Mr. Ansari, ATRA Acting Chairman. Ministry of Higher Education
        for telecom  development. A  meeting was  organized between   leadership thanked ATRA for equipping governmental universities
        ATRA leadership and Acting Minister of Higher Education and the   with optical fiber and technical needs, operating local networks
        ministry deputies in regard to ATRA cooperation on the ministry   within universities, installing WiMax  system  for a  number  of
        electronic and technical needs. Congratulating new position to the   students  and as well creating computer  labs and WiFi  zones
        Acting Minister, Abbas Baseerat, “ATRA is interested to aid Higher   in the IT sections. It is worth mentioning that ATRA has so far
        Education  Ministry  in  respect  with  scientific  and  technologic   connected 29 universities of the ministry with optical fiber and
        inventions  besides  the  financial  and  technical  cooperation  and   other 10 universities with WiMax where fiber optic connectivity
        would  like  to  pave  the  ground  for  the  Afghan  youth’s  efforts   was difficult through TDF. It has also created computer labs for
        through providing technical cooperation to the Ministry of Higher   other 10 accredited universities of the country and WiFi zone for
        Education, ( technology, local contents and innovation programs   two other universities and has installed local network for other
        are important requirements for developing internet and lowering   three universities. (September 28, 2020)


        Algerian  Minister  of  Post  and  Telecommunications  Brahim   Annaba-  the  Algerian  Internet  network  of  optical  fiber  to  the
        Boumzar  announced  the  country  will  soon  be  connected  to  a   international network linking the United States of America to Asia,
        fourth submarine optical fiber cable. This was on the sidelines   and the Orval/Alval linking Algiers, Oran, and Valencia in Spain,”
        of the signing ceremony of an agreement between Algérie Poste   said Brahim Boumzar. Brahim Boumzar's announcement comes
        and the Tourism  sector,  on the generalization  of the interbank   a  few  weeks  after  major  disruptions  to  Internet connectivity
        payment card and the deployment of electronic payment   in Algeria. A situation that is not new in the country, but which
        terminals (EPT) within tourist establishments. The 4th cable “will   has prompted this time a swifter response from the Minister of
        reinforce the country’s data capacities supported by the existing   Telecommunications.
        three cables, namely the Sea-Me-We 4, the Medex linking - from   (September 9, 2020)


        Bahrain's Information & eGovernment Authority (iGA) held a key   as individuals. The kingdom was among the first Arab countries
        meeting to discuss the implementation of the National Frequency   to adopt  the Plan, which reflects  the outcome  of the World
        Plan.  The National Frequency  Plan  allocates land, air, and   Radiocommunication Conference (WRC) held in Sharm el-Sheikh,
        maritime satellite spectrums locally in line with radio regulations   Egypt in  November 2019.  The plan was  reissued  following  the
        issued  by the International  Telecommunications  Union (ITU).   conclusion of the WRC, a part of the ITU Radiocommunications
        It  supports  modern  technologies  and applications,  meeting   and is held every four years. Since 2015, the National Frequency
        the  requirements  of  the  Bahrain’s  telecommunications  sector,   Plan has been increasingly flexible, lifting restrictions relating to
        including government, security, and private organizations, as well   all frequency spectrums and providing them in a comprehensive

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