Page 108 - SAMENA Trends - September-October 2020
P. 108


        China Unveils Global Data Security Initiative

        China announced an initiative on Tuesday   for  technology  firms  to  prevent  the   detail the nature of the initiative or say
        (Sep  8)  to  establish  global  standards   creation of so-called backdoors in  their   whether  any other  country had joined.
        on data security, saying it wanted  to   products  and services that  could allow   "Global data security rules that reflect the
        promote multilateralism  in  the area  at   data to be obtained illegally, as well as for   wishes  of  all  countries and  respect the
        a time when  "individual  countries" were   participants to respect  the sovereignty,   interests of all parties should be reached
        "bullying" others and "hunting" companies.   jurisdiction  and  data  management  on the basis of universal participation by
        The  announcement,  by State Councilor   rights of other  countries.  It also calls for   all parties," Wang said.  "Some  individual
        Wang Yi, comes a month after the United   participants to  not  engage  in large-scale   countries  are  aggressively  pursuing
        States said it was  purging  "untrusted"   surveillance of other countries or illegally   unilateralism, throwing dirty water on other
        Chinese  apps under  a  program dubbed   acquire information  of foreign citizens   countries under the pretext of 'cleanliness',
        "Clean Network".  China's initiative calls   through information technology. It did not   and conducting  global hunts on leading
                                                                                 companies  of other  countries  under  the
                                                                                 pretext of security. This is naked bullying
                                                                                 and should be  opposed  and rejected."
                                                                                 China tightly controls and censors  its
                                                                                 own cyberspace  through  the popularly
                                                                                 dubbed  "Great Firewall", which has for
                                                                                 years  restricted  access  to  firms  such  as
                                                                                 US  majors  Twitter, Facebook  and Google
                                                                                 owner Alphabet. The administration of
                                                                                 US  President Donald Trump has  taken
                                                                                 aim at Chinese  giants such  as Huawei
                                                                                 Technologies,  Tencent  and TikTok  owner
                                                                                 ByteDance,  citing  concerns  over  national
                                                                                 security and the collection  of personal
                                                                                 data, which the companies have rejected.
                                                                                 It  has  blocked US  exports  to Huawei
                                                                                 and plans  to  ban TikTok  in  the United
                                                                                 States this month unless ByteDance sells
                                                                                 TikTok's US operations.

        DCMS Confirms Completion of Program to Clear 700MHz Band for 5G

        A  major  program  to  vacate  the  700MHz   tors  and  other  ‘innovative  companies’  to   tors were said to have spent more than two
        band for 5G  and  rural  mobile  coverage   use 5G  to  develop new high data  usage   million hours clearing the spectrum.  Un-
        has  been  completed,  according  the  UK’s   technologies  and services to boost sec-  der the programme,  changes  were made
        Department  for  Digital,  Culture,  Media  &   tors such as manufacturing, transport and   to more than 1,200 television transmitter
        Sport (DCMS). In a press release regard-  healthcare. Further, it has suggested that   sites ‘in some of the farthest flung reaches
        ing the matter, the body  said that Digital   the low frequency of the 700MHz spectrum   and on top of some of the tallest structures
        Infrastructure Minister Matt  Warman is   band is ideal for carrying wireless signals   in the country’. The last part of the infra-
        expected  to  confirm  the  milestone  com-  into buildings  and over long  distances  –   structure works is understood to have tak-
        pletion  of  the  four-year  GBP350  million   including the countryside. As such, it said   en place in Kendal, Cumbria and on the Isle
        (USD467  million)  infrastructure  program   the spectrum band clearance will increase   of Man on 19 August, where channels were
        when speaking later today (3 September)   capacity in 4G networks, bringing greater   switched to the new frequencies in the last
        at 5G World, as part of London Tech Week.   mobile coverage and improved reliability to   of 57 ‘clearance events’. Commenting on
        Until now, the 700MHz spectrum band has   rural communities. Releasing the 700MHz   the matter, Philip Marnick, Spectrum Group
        been mainly used for digital terrestrial TV   airwaves is expected to increase the total   Director  at  Ofcom,  said:  ‘This  is  a  major
        broadcast, as well as for professional ra-  amount of the radio spectrum available for   milestone  for  improving mobile services
        dio microphones used  in music studios,   mobile services in the UK by nearly 20%.   across the UK … The airwaves will now be
        theatres and outdoor  events. Following   Around 1,000 workers from organizations   available to use immediately after our up-
        the clearance program, however, it will be   including local telecoms regulator Ofcom,   coming spectrum auction, bringing better
        exclusively available for mobile use. The   Arqiva, Digital UK, Digital Mobile Spectrum   mobile and innovative new services a sig-
        development  will  enable mobile  opera-  Limited (DMSL) and the multiplex opera-  nificant step closer.’

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