Page 104 - SAMENA Trends - September-October 2020
P. 104


        PTA to Evaluate and Decide Future of WLL in Pakistan

        Pakistan  Telecommunication  Authority (PTA) has decided  to   Fifth Generation (5G) Wireless Networks in Pakistan” identified 2.6
        review the Wireless Local Loop (WLL) regime in Pakistan as its   GHz and 3.5 GHz as best suited spectrum for 5G networks. PTA
        subscriber base is on a constant decline, it is learnt. By the end of   accordingly  published  a  “Framework  for  Test  and  Development
        July 2020, the total number of broadband subscribers in Pakistan   of Future Technologies  Particularly  for Fifth  Generation  (5G)
        was around 83 million and mobile broadband subscriptions stood   Wireless Networks in Pakistan, in line with GoP Policy Directive.
        at 81 million. The presence of non-cellular operators in general   CMPak  (Zong),  PMCL  (Jazz)  and  Telenor  have  conducted  5G
        and WLL operators in particular is negligible in comparison with   trials  in  2.6  GHz  and  3.5  GHz  spectrum  while  PTCL  &  Ufone
        cellular operators. The frequency assignments will expire in 2024,   joint trial is under process. As per sources, an in-depth analysis
        and there is a need to have clarity on the future of WLL regime so   of  the  performance  of  WLLOs  over  the  years,  challenges  and
        as to allow WLLOs ample time to prepare their business plans,   opportunities, best regulatory practices for efficient utilization of
        a  official  document  available  with  ProPakistani  revealed.  WLL   frequency spectrum, etc will be performed. And to obtain that, PTA
        regime  was  introduced  in Pakistan in 2004  in accordance  with   has sought comments from all stakeholders. The stakeholders will
        the de-regulation policy 2003 with spectrum assignments in 450   be required to respond on a set pattern including the regulatory,
        MHz, 479 MHz, 1900 MHz and 3.5 GHz bands. WLL licenses were   technical and financial impediments that affected WLL business
        distinguished from mobile cellular licenses through geographical   adversely, how can the WLL operators sustain their business up
        and mobility restriction; regional licenses with single-cell mobility.   to 2024 and does it make a business case for WLL operators to
        A total of 93 WLL licenses were issued to 18 companies in 2004   continue  operations beyond 2024  if  the circumstances  remain
        for various regions of Pakistan in frequency bands of 450, 479,   the same? Further stakeholders would be required to suggest a
        1900 and 3500 MHz. Some of the operators failed to complete   regulatory regime beyond 2024 to safeguard WLL business while
        initial mandatory roll-out obligations despite grant of extension   ensuring  efficient  spectrum  utilization  as  well  as  maintaining
        in timelines and hence their respective licenses were cancelled/  distinction from cellular mobile/NGMS services and what could be
        terminated.  PTCL,  Telecard  and  WorldCall  had  a  combined   the best utilization of existing WLL frequency bands i.e. 450, 479,
        subscriber base of around 2.4 million in 2008-09 which kept on   1900 and 3500 MHz? PTA will analyze stakeholders’ comments
        improving till  2012-13.  Wi-Tribe, Wateen and Sharp also  made   while preparing recommendations for the future of WLL regime.
        some impact during this time frame. However, since 2012-13 —
        since the emergence of 3G and 4G services — there has been a
        constant decline due to extensive roll out by the mobile operators.
        Some of the operators have multiple frequencies assignment in
        their licensed regions. After termination of several licenses and
        Telecard becoming FLL operator, there are still ten (10) operators
        with eighty (80) licenses. However, the subscriber base is on a
        constant decline. Since the introduction of WLL regime in Pakistan
        in 2004, there have been enormous technological developments
        aimed at efficient utilization of the scarce resource i.e. frequency
        spectrum. Some of the spectrum bands assigned to WLL operators
        have already been identified for higher value mobile broadband
        services like 2100/1900 MHz and also for 5G i.e. 3.5 GHz. The
        most  important  being  3.5  GHz  band wherein 5G  network is
        deployed in many countries. MoIT&T in one of its Policy Directive
        for “Test and Development of Future Technologies Particularly for

        US Taps Industry for Input on Spectrum Sharing

        The US Department of Defence (DoD) called for innovative ideas   The  Federal Communications  Commission  is set to vote on
        from the telecoms industry about shared spectrum models, as it   new rules for the band to enable the scheme on 30 September.
        moved ahead with a plan to open some of its mid-band airwaves   However,  the scope  of the RFI  appears to  go well  beyond the
        to commercial users. In a request for information (RFI), the DoD   planned spectrum, covering the “broad range” the DoD uses and
        asked mobile players for views on how 5G can share spectrum   one  question  specifically  addressing  blocks  between  3.1GHz
        with high-powered radar operations; potential  national security   and  3.55GHz.  DoD  chief  information  officer  Dana  Deasy  stated
        concerns  related to such  portioning;  and whether  it  should   partnering with industry players is “imperative in this extremely
        consider leasing rather than reallocating its holding. The DoD in   technical  and  competitive  field”,  adding  “what  we  learn  in  this
        August  announced  plans to make spectrum  between  3.45GHz   effort has potential to benefit the entire nation” and help maintain
        and 3.55GHz available for shared use with commercial operators.   US leadership on 5G. Responses are due by 19 October.
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