Page 39 - SAMENA Trends - October 2021
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executive, Yi first joined the company in Huawei in MEA. He has previously served Huawei’s America area operations, and
1998. He is currently a member of the ICT as Deputy CFO of Huawei in the region, General Manager of the Huawei Pakistan
Infrastructure Managing Board, member President of the Sales & Delivery Finance Representative Office.
of the Supervisory Board, and president of Management Department, President of
Huawei Announces New President at HUAWEI CLOUD Middle East
Huawei, a leading global provider of while also contributing to a stronger cloud
information and communications ecosystem in the region.” Speaking on his
technology (ICT) infrastructure and smart appointment, Dai added: "HUAWEI CLOUD
devices, has announced the appointment has been expanding rapidly in the Middle
of Frank Dai as the new President of East for the last few years. The opening
HUAWEI CLOUD Middle East. In his new of our region in Abu Dhabi, combined
role, Dai will be responsible for overseeing with the digitization trends in the post-
Huawei's cloud business expansion COVID era, will only accelerate this growth.
in the region. The appointment comes I look forward to overseeing what will
as HUAWEI CLOUD business growth undoubtedly be one of the most exciting
accelerates worldwide. In 2020, HUAWEI periods for our business in the region."
CLOUD ranked number five in the global With 10 years of experience, nine of which
IaaS market, and is currently the fastest- have been spent at Huawei Middle East,
growing mainstream cloud vendor. HUAWEI Dai has held several key positions in the
CLOUD has established more than 20,000 company including President of Huawei
partners, attracted 2.3 million developers, Cloud and AI Business Group in the UAE.
and released more than 4,500 applications HUAWEI CLOUD is committed to growing data sovereignty and data security for
in the cloud market. Steven Yi, President with enterprises and partners in the the government and regulated industries.
of Huawei Middle East, noted: “Computing Middle East, helping the region with its To support a wider cloud rollout, Huawei
power has become a new source of digital transformation through advanced has unveiled several programs to help the
productivity with cloud services essential technologies. The company aims to region cultivate digital experts and build
to smarter upgrades of government and provide the best public cloud services in the local ecosystem. It recently announced
enterprise organizations. Under Frank the region including optimal latency and a support program for developing 3,000
Dai’s leadership, I am confident that ultimate experience. The availability of cloud experts in the region as part of the
HUAWEI CLOUD will continue to flourish, infrastructure in the region also addresses HUAWEI CLOUD Oasis Program.
Industry-First Commercial Long-Reach E-band Verified by China Mobile
Inner Mongolia and Huawei
China Mobile Inner Mongolia field-tested Mongolia for optimal 5G backhaul. E-band of up to 20 Gb/s and low delay. Given the
Huawei's innovative long-reach E-band works at 80 GHz, and is perfect for backhaul high working frequencies, E-band supports
microwave solution in Ordos, Inner given its ability to deliver a high bandwidth only a limited transmission distance,
creating a great challenge for operators
to apply this band at the scale required to
accelerate their 5G deployment. Huawei's
long-reach E-band solution uses unique
integrated high-transmission-power
equipment and large-size intelligent beam
tracking (IBT) antenna, providing a 12–18
dB higher link gain than industry's average.
As such, E-band signals can reach 5G
base stations more than 10 km away,
basically meeting the backhaul distance
requirements. In addition, the integrated
design avoids the issues of complicated
power supply and low reliability of the
previous separate design, providing a
strong support for scaled commercial
deployment. Looking to maximize E-band's
39 OCTOBER 2021