Page 43 - SAMENA Trends - October 2021
P. 43



        Open RAN to Create an Evolution in the Telecom Industry

                                                          Open radio access networks (Open RAN) are the dominant  topic of
                                                          discussion in the mobile network world today. A movement to disaggregate
                                                          wireless telecommunications RAN functions and create open interfaces
                                                          between them, Open RAN promises a future in which long-term costs for
                                                          mobile operators are sharply reduced, vendor competition is increased,
                                                          network flexibility is  enhanced,  and opportunities for innovation are

                                                             As  new  use  cases  such  as  autonomous
                                                             vehicles, smart cities, and automated factories
                                                             emerge, mobile operators will need to support
                                                             communication between a million devices per

                                                             square  kilometer  (compared  w/  100k  for  4G).
                                                             MNOs  will  only  be  able  to  take  advantage  of
                                                             these  opportunities  if  they can  scale  up  their
                                                             networks affordably.

                                                          The Open RAN movement closely parallels the evolution from proprietary
                                                          systems to open systems to virtualisation that occurred in the IT industry
                                                          beginning in the 1980s. That earlier example offers convincing proof that
                                                          moving away from proprietary hardware and software to interoperable
                                                          systems is beneficial for all parties.
        Mohamed H Almarzooqi
        Acting CTO-International                          Companies  across  the mobile ecosystem agree. Mobile operators,
        Etisalat Group                                    network equipment manufacturers, chip makers, and software vendors
                                                          around the globe are joining a growing number of Open RAN standards
                                                          and advocacy organisations, and prominent  Open RAN deployments
                                                          have demonstrated the commercial viability of the technology.

                                                          The Open RAN architecture is purposely designed to meet the evolving
                                                          needs of mobile operators.

                                                          What Open RAN means for operators?
                                                          The advent of 5G and its escalating demands for long-term investment in
                                                          capacity, power, backhaul infrastructure, and more are forcing operators
                                                          to take a hard look at how best to accommodate growth, ensure QoS, and
                                                          simplify their architectures while getting the lowest network total cost of
                                                          ownership (TCO).

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