Page 44 - SAMENA Trends - October 2021
P. 44


                                             in making Open RAN more affordable and   advantages and  help in  different  stages
           Open      RAN,     the    RAN     reliable, yet many operators are unclear on   of  network  deployment starting with
           Intelligent Controller (RIC),     how best to proceed.                preparation to rollout a network or a new
           and  automation  offer an         Growing competition  will  continue to put   service, followed by creation to roll out the
                                                                                 prepared plan, then operate and monitor
           important  way  to  address       pressure  on  operators  to  find  new  ways   the network once it  is  rolled out.  Finally,
           these     pain    points     by   to  drive  revenue  and  profitability.  New   terminate to  shutdown/scale  down the
           helping  operators  lower         players are entering  the telecom  market,   network or the service as  required. This
                                                                                 very much aligns with the business needs-
                                             particularly in the Internet of Things (IoT)
           their  CAPEX  and  OPEX           and space telecommunications  arenas.   driven network deployment model.
           while  expanding  services        As new use cases such  as  autonomous   Etisalat among the first to implement Open
                                             vehicles,  smart  cities, and automated
           into new markets, building        factories emerge, mobile operators  will   RAN
           their    customer       bases,    need  to support communication between   Etisalat  supports  technology  innovation
                                             a million devices per  square kilometer
                                                                                 and  is  often  among  the  first  mobile
           and ensuring  optimum             (compared w/  100k  for 4G).  MNOs  will   operators to test and implement new ideas
           quality of service (QoS) for      only be able to take advantage of these   that can enhance its competitive strength
           subscribers.                      opportunities if  they  can scale  up their   in  the marketplace and  deliver  a  better
                                                                                 customer experience. That is why Etisalat
                                             networks affordably.
                                                                                 is  supporting Open RAN testing and
        For many, it’s time for a  wholesale   Open RAN, the RAN Intelligent Controller   evaluation with the goal of implementing
        reevaluation of the future of their networks,   (RIC), and automation  offer an important   an  Open  RAN solution  once  all  technical
        especially  in urban markets.  The current   way  to  address  these pain  points by   aspects and conditions have been fulfilled.
        high cost of  hardware, software  and   helping  operators  lower their  CAPEX and
        services  has  made  it  difficult  to  build  a   OPEX  while expanding  services into new   Etisalat  supports  tech-
        business  case for network expansion   markets, building their customer bases,
        into low average revenue per user (ARPU)   and ensuring  optimum quality  of service   nology  innovation  and
        markets.                             (QoS) for subscribers.                 is  often  among  the  first

        Bringing modern  mobile communications   With Open RAN and its inherent features of   mobile  operators  to  test
        to less populated areas is a  priority for   virtualisation                 and       implement        new
        many  jurisdictions around  the world.   The RIC and the automation are absolutely
        Access  to high-speed  Internet service is   essential  to ensure an Open  RAN   ideas  that can enhance
        essential to supporting public  education,   environment that delivers greater freedom   its  competitive strength
        local  business,  healthcare  access,  of choice while keeping CAPEX and OPEX   in  the  marketplace  and
        financial  services  access,  and  more.   manageable for mobile operators. With the
        However, building out networks in remote   capabilities that Open RAN provides, mobile   deliver  a  better  customer
        communities  requires  major  CAPEX  operators will gain the ability to fulfill the   experience.
        investments  that offer little or no near-  promise of new  IoT and other  emerging
        term ROI.                            use cases in urban environments, expand
                                             their networks into new territories to bring   Etisalat  Group,  Saudi  Telecom Company
        Operators have  advanced  technology   5G within reach of underserved markets,   STC, Zain Group, Mobily, and  du, from
        roadmaps and product  capabilities  but   and the solid architectural foundation they   Emirates  Integrated Telecommunications
        have  not  yet  been  able to  leverage them   need to plan effectively for the long term.   Company (EITC), joined forces recently to
        fully because the rest of the market have   Above all,  Open  RAN will  ensure that  all   push forward the implementation of Open
        yet to catch up. The delay between making   mobile residential and business customers   RAN solutions  in their  existing telecom
        technology  investments  and earning   have access  to the  communications   networks,  share their industry knowledge
        revenue  from them has put pressure on   solutions they need to improve and enrich   and experience setting a clear path to drive
        operators’ balance sheets.           their daily lives.                  innovation  for  the ICT  sector across  the
                                                                                 Middle East.
        There is not enough  clarity on how best   How automation  and  the RIC address
        to  use  Artificial  Intelligence  (AI)  and   operator challenges       Mohamed Almarzooqi, Acting International
        automation in network operation and   Automated orchestration and management   CTIO of Etisalat Group said: “With Open RAN
        planning  to reduce  cost  and enhance   is  key  in  order  to  achieve  the  benefits   and its  inherent  features  of virtualisation
        availability.  Vendors  and Open  RAN   provided  by a  cloud-native Open RAN   and automation  Etisalat  will be able  to
        advocacy  groups are working  to ensure   solution. Automation with modern  tools   meet the needs of our  customers cost-
        that AI and automation will be major factors   and technologies can bring  in several   effectively in central Asia and beyond. An

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