Page 28 - SAMENA Trends - October 2021
P. 28


                                             Zain Acknowledged with Three  Awards at the
                                             SAMENA Council  Endorsed  MEA Business

                                             Achievement Awards

                                                             led to its recognition  as  the New Technology  Leadership  award
                                                             recipient. An early adopter of 5G, in May 2019, Zain announced its
                                                             5G network in Kuwait was fully ready for the commercial launch of
                                                             services. In October that year, Zain Saudi Arabia launched the largest
                                                             5G network in the region at the time, and third largest in the world.
                                                             Later in November 2019, Zain announced another regional 5G first
                                                             as its operations in Kuwait and Saudi Arabia successfully launched
                                                             5G roaming across the MENA region, with download speeds reaching
                                                             as high as 500 Mbps for both outbound and inbound roaming. This
                                                             milestone 5G roaming agreement opened up countless opportunities
                                                             to further enhance the mobile experience for Zain customers.
                                                             Zain Esports collaboration award Zain was awarded the Innovative
                                                             Collaborations  and Partnerships  prize for its  Zain Esports
                                                             collaboration with YaLLa Esports and other entities in the region’s
                                                             ecosystem  such  as Playhera in KSA and AlHub in Kuwait.  Zain
        Zain Group, a leading mobile telecom innovator in seven mar-  eSports was launched in December 2020, marking the beginning of
        kets across the Middle East and Africa, announces it has been   a  year-long calendar of large and exciting regional online  esports
        presented with three awards at the prestigious SAMENA Coun-  tournaments  comprised  of multiple flagship events as  well as
        cil endorsed MEA Business Magazine Technology Achievement   smaller,  regular community tournaments with  attractive  cash  and
        Awards 2021, in the categories of New Technology Leadership   devices prize pools. Zain Esports is inspired by the competitive spirit
        for 5G launches in Kuwait and Saudi Arabia; Innovation Collab-  of the 18,000 professional and amateur gamers who have played in
        orations and Partnerships for the launch of Zain Esports; and   the various tournaments held so far and the enormous social media
        Ground-breaking Products and Services for the ground-break-  following that have been garnered, which exceeds 35 million views on
        ing Fintech  solution ‘Tamam’ in Saudi  Arabia. The  awards   Zain’s YouTube, Twitch and other social media channels.
        presentation  that  took place during  GITEX  2021  in Dubai by   Zain Esports’ presence as a gaming powerhouse engaging with the
        leading  regional business  publication  MEA  Business in co-  gamers and youth across the region, is creating an ecosystem that
        ordination with SAMENA Council, were part of a multi-sector   reduces reliance on traditional telco services and opens up growing
        recognition awards program aimed at highlighting significant   opportunities for  fast  growing and lucrative  digital  services and
        technology achievements in the ICT industry. SAMENA Tele-  online gaming.
        communications Council is a tri-regional, non-profit telecom-  Tamam’s ground-breaking Fintech award in Saudi Arabia With respect
        munications association that embodies a community of South   to ground-breaking Products and Services, Zain was awarded this
        Asian  and  MENA  region telecoms  operators,  manufacturers,   prize for its Tamam financial technology (fintech) company in Saudi
        regulatory authorities, and academia. The Council is driven by   Arabia, which provides consumer micro-lending services. The Fintech
        telecoms issues that operators face, determined in providing   was established in 2019 with the goal to increase financial inclusion
        its advocacy expertise to help aid the incubation of novel ap-  in the Kingdom in line with the Financial Sector Development Plan,
        proaches and ideas that would provide better means for the   part of Saudi Arabia's Vision 2030. Taman offers individuals requiring
        expansion and utilization of telecommunications in the region.   financing  the  opportunity  to  immediately  avail  an  Islamic  Shari'a
        Commenting  on  the three awards,  Nawaf  AlGharabally,  Zain   compliant loan without physically visiting a bank location. The end
        Group Chief Technology Officer said, “Innovation is at the core   to-end Shari'a approved process takes minutes from the time a client
        of all Zain’s efforts, seeking new business areas in line with its   downloads the app to the loan amount being advanced. It should be
        ‘4Sight’ strategy and becoming a full digital services provider.   noted that Tamam was the first entity in the Kingdom and the region
        These prestigious Awards recognize our efforts in areas that   to be licensed by a regulator to offer consumer  micro-loans via a
        are extremely important to our ongoing growth and success.”   fully digital  and seamless customer experience,  through  a  mobile
        AlGharabally continued, “We are strong proponents of the pow-  app. Fintech is a key focus in Zain Group's ‘4Sight’ strategy aiming
        er of partnerships  and collaboration,  believing that working   to be the first telco-led challenger bank capitalizing on its regional
        with like-minded organizations accelerates  the achievement   footprint,  technology,  trusted and highly valued brand,  50  million
        of our combined vision, and provides our customers with the   customer base, with the ultimate aim to provide mobile customers
        best quality of service possible in a rapid time-frame. We shall   with  additional  and  much  needed  digital  financial  services  while
        endeavor  to  continue  operating  at  the  highest  levels  of  effi-  increasing value  for all  stakeholders. Zain views the opportunities
        ciency, while delivering the best offerings and results to all our   presented  by  the digital  economy  in  the Middle East  as  brimming
        stakeholders.”                                       with potential, as digital capabilities offer greater levels of innovation
        5G Technology Award in Kuwait and KSA Zain’s pioneering 5G   and direct positive impact on economic and social development of
        deployments in Kuwait  and Saudi Arabia, and later Bahrain   the communities it faithfully serves.

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