Page 33 - SAMENA Trends - October 2021
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        Batelco’s  Customized Solution  Designed to Enhance  Cloud  Network


        Following  Batelco’s introduction of AWS   branch  offices  and  Data  Centers  to  AWS   virtual servers, has led to applications and
        Direct Connect  services in  2019  and SD-  environments through managed, secure,   data being hosted in both Data Center and
        WAN  (Software-Defined  Wide  Area  Net-  and optimized network services. Custom-  Cloud environments. These circumstances
        work) in  2020, the Company  has  created   ers can additionally choose their preferred   complicated  network  traffic  management
        a  customized solution that  bundles  both   network route, whether through the Inter-  and application delivery, adding  strain to
        services.  AWS  Direct Connect  provides   net or through Private Connection, to uti-  the traditional network.” “Therefore, we
        an easy way for customers to establish a   lize the services.  Hani  Askar, A/General   are pleased to address this need and pro-
        dedicated private network connection be-  Manager of Global Business at  Batelco,   vide the essential support that enterprises
        tween  AWS  and  Data  Centers,  offices,  or   said: “With the continuous drive of Cloud-  require to enhance  their migration into a
        colocation  environments,  while SD-WAN   first strategies, organizations with a num-  more digital-centric world.  The  aim  is  to
        is an end-to-end networking solution that   ber of locations ranging from their head-  introduce new solutions that could poten-
        seamlessly blends MPLS, Internet, LTE and   quarters to branch offices need to ensure   tially make sophisticated global networks
        5G technologies into a single communica-  that all their employees have secure, fast,   easier to monitor,  manage, and  become
        tion channel that  delivers improved visi-  consistent  network access,  regardless of   more agile,” he added. “We are proud to be
        bility, agility, control and cloud integration.   their location and device. Additionally, the   the first in the region to provide our cus-
        The  new integrated solution,  combining   increase of employees’ mobility, combined   tomers with such a solution that supports
        the two services to form one practical bun-  with the rise of hybrid architectures con-  them in their Cloud-computing adoption,”
        dle,  enables  companies  to connect  their   sisting of private servers, public cloud and   Mr. Askar concluded.

                                             China Mobile Big Winner in HK Spectrum Sale

        China Mobile Hong Kong emerged as the   the Communications Authority  (OFCA)   and 40MHz  of  4.9GHz  for HKD222.5
        biggest spender in an auction of 255MHz   announced.  China Mobile Hong Kong is   million.  Hutchison  Telephone  spent
        of spectrum in the  700MHz, 850MHz,   now the largest holder of spectrum in the   HKD252 million on 10MHz of 700MHz and
        2.5GHz  to  2.6GHz  and  4.9GHz  bands   territory, with 20MHz  of 1.8GHz,  30MHz   5MHz of 2.5GHz to 2.6GHz. The spectrum
        which netted a  total  of  HKD1.9  billion   of 2.3GHz, 35MHz  of 2.6GHz,  60MHz  of   was  spilt into 19 frequency  blocks, with
        ($244.3  million). The operator  won 15-  3.5GHz and 80MHz of 4.9GHz. HKT spent   70MHz unsold and no takers for 600MHz.
        year licenses for spectrum in three bands,   HKD599  million acquiring  10MHz  in the   SmarTone was the only operator to release
        bidding  a total of HKD648.5  million for   700MHz  band  and  25MHz  of 2.5GHz  to   a statement on the auction  results, with
        10MHz, 15MHz and 40MHz in the 700MHz   2.6GHz  spectrum.  SmarTone purchased   CTO Stephen Chau noting the blocks came
        (paired),  2.5GHz to 2.6GHz  (paired)  and   5MHz  of  700MHz  for HKD72  million,   at a reasonable price.
        4.9GHz  bands  respectively,  the  Office  of   7.5MHz  of 850MHz  for HKD82.5  million

        China Mobile Exec Insists 6G Needs Massive Bandwidth

        The head of 6G at China Mobile highlighted   needs  to  be supported by  mmWave and   service-based  architecture into the RAN
        in  a  presentation at  the Brooklyn  6G   terahertz spectrum which can be switched   to reduce time-to-market of new services
        Summit spectrum  will  be the most   on  and off depending  on  demand. “In   and network functions. Earlier in the year
        important component for future networks,   this way we can not only minimize power   the Chinese government  outlined  plans
        arguing the lower the frequency the better.   consumption,  but  also  minimize variance   to accelerate the development of 6G
        Liu Guangyi said nationwide coverage will   among different sites and improve the user   through  the IMT-2030  (6G)  Promotion
        be important for operators to promote the   experience.”  Satellite coverage will  be in   Group, which is similar the IMT-2020 (5G)
        new technology.  For  early  deployments   important  to supplement  the terrestrial   Promotion Group that coordinated the 5G
        he  suggested  operators  need  more than   network for drones and autonomous   development. Industry players don’t expect
        500MHz  of contiguous spectrum  in sub-  aircraft. He outlined an integrated space-  the technology to start to be deployed until
        10GHz bands. “If we can achieve that it will   air-ground  network which will  support   at least 2030.
        be very beneficial for building competitive   converged  access technologies.  Liu said
        6G networks.” He noted  this, of course,   China Mobile is  working to introduce  a
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