Page 63 - SAMENA Trends - October 2019
P. 63


        UEFA Champions League and Europa League Matches Broadcast Live in HD

        Across Indonesia

        Football  fans  in  Indonesia  are  now  able   powered  wide  beam  design,  makes  the   Director of Nex Parabola. “Our partnership
        to  watch  their  favorite  European  teams   satellite ideal for local broadcast services.   with  Nex  Parabola  is  testament  to  our
        compete  in the UEFA Champions League   “Having  recently  secured  the  exclusive   satellite  fleet’s  capabilities  of  delivering
        (UCL)  and UEFA  Europa League (UEF)   broadcast rights for the UEFA Champions   prime  international  content  to  viewers
        live on TV screens in high-definition (HD)   League  and Europa League  in Indonesia,   around  the  globe  in  the  best  quality
        format  due  to  a  new  partnership  formed   we want to bring the best European football   possible,  wherever  they  are.  We  are
        by media group Surya Citra Media (SCM),   entertainment to as many fans as possible   pleased  to  help  Nex  Parabola  expand
        satellite direct-to-home  TV provider Nex   through our subsidiary Nex Parabola and   their audience reach using satellite in the
        Parabola  and  the  world  leading  satellite   satellite  partner  SES.  With  SES-9,  we  are   most  cost-effective  manner,  and  remain
        operator  SES.  SCM  has  secured  the   able  to  maximize  our  reach  and  deliver   committed to  delivering satellite  services
        exclusive broadcast rights for the 2019/20   an  unparalleled  viewing  experience  in   for  broadcasters,  content  providers  and
        football seasons of UCL and UEL which will   premium  HD  format  to  audiences  across   companies across the country,” said Yew
        be delivered to Nex Parabola customers via   the country, whether they are watching us   Weng Soo, Vice President, Sales & Market
        the SES-9 satellite, SES announced today.   on their home TVs or at the neighborhood   Development, Asia Pacific of SES Video.
        The two European football channels will be   warung,”  said  Junus  Koswara,  President
        packaged together with exclusive content
        from  SCM  Group.  These  new  channels
        include  Citra  Cinema,  Citra  Drama  Plus,
        Citra Muslim and Citra Dangdut, providing
        a  variety  of  lifestyle,  entertainment
        and  religious  content  for  Nex  Parabola
        customers.  SES-9  is  co-located  at  108.2
        degrees  East  orbital  position  with  SES-
        7  and  provides  prime  coverage  over  all
        17,000  islands  in  Indonesia,  as  well  as
        locations  in South  Asia, Northeast Asia,
        Australia  and  the  Middle  East.  The  108.2
        degrees  East  neighborhood  is  targeted
        for  video  services  and  ensures  extensive
        coverage over all corners of the country for
        SES-9.  This,  coupled  with  SES-9’s  high-

        Ethiopia Welcomes First Dedicated TV Platform

        For  years,  Ethiopian  TV  viewers  have   in  High  Definition  (HD)  quality.  Amman   and receive content from the dedicated TV
        had  to  navigate  through  a  plethora  of   Fissehazion,  Chairman  of  the  AEB,  said,   neighborhood, we recommend purchasing
        multinational  content  in  a  variety  of   “Up  until  now,  the  majority  of  Ethiopia’s   an HD TV whenever possible, as this will
        foreign languages in order to locate their   content has been broadcast from an orbital   allow  for  a  higher  picture  quality.”  In
        favorite  channels.  That  changes  today   location  that also supplies  content  to   addition,  the  launch  of  Ethiosat  will  offer
        with  the  launch  of  Ethiosat  –  the  first-  Middle Eastern and North African countries,   Ethiopians  a  larger  offering  of  both  local
        ever  dedicated  Ethiopian  TV  platform   which explains the often confusing mix of   and  relevant  international content in  the
        to  host  Ethiopia’s  most  popular  local   content.  By  migrating  the  most  popular   future.  Fissehazion  said,  “We  believe
        channels.  This  has  been  made  possible   Ethiopian TV channels to a new location on   consolidating  all  Ethiopian TV  channels
        by  agreements  between  the  Association   SES’s satellite, we’ve created an Ethiopian-  and  broadcasting  them  from  one  orbital
        of  Ethiopian  Broadcasters  (AEB),  the   only TV offering that also delivers a variety   position  will  fuel  growth  in  the  Ethiopian
        Ethiopian Broadcasting Corporation (EBC),   of  channels  in  HD,  a  first  in  Ethiopia.”   media  sector,  as  local  networks  will  now
        and the world’s leading satellite operator,   Fissehazion added that this is also a great   be  able  to  easily  expand  their  audience
        SES. Ethiosat is hosted on SES’s NSS-12   time for the millions of homes in Ethiopia   reach. This will foster healthy and growing
        satellite  at  57  degrees  East  and  delivers   that  currently do  not receive TV  services   advertising  markets,  which  will  result  in
        over 30 channels for Ethiopian audiences   to  bring  TV  sets  into  their  home.  “For   a  greater  variety  of  content,  and  more
        only,  with  12  of  those  channels  already   Ethiopians  looking  to  buy  a  new  TV  set   localized  content.”  To  access  Ethiosat

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