Page 60 - SAMENA Trends - October 2019
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          over  5G,  delivered  in  partnership  with   Europe by, together with TIM, providing   is  helping  customers  redefine  what’s
          France Télévisions                   full  coverage  of  the  entire  Republic  of   possible, as the true potential of 5G starts
        •  The first cloud-based VR gaming on an   San Marino                    to  take  hold.”  Nokia  Bell  Labs  pioneered
          AI-powered 5G network using open RAN   •  The first 5G deals in South Africa, with   many  of  the  fundamental  technology
          architecture  to  manage the extreme   rain;  in  Latin  America,  with  ANTEL  in   innovations  that  are  being  adopted  into
          network  demands  of  immersive  real-  Uruguay;  and  most  recently  in  New   5G  standards.  Inventions  in  Low  Density
          time VR gaming, after teaming up with   Zealand, with Vodafone New Zealand  parity check (LDPC), 5G radio stack design,
          CMCC                               Marcus  Weldon,  Nokia’s  Corporate  CTO   Massive  MIMO,  Mobile  Edge  Computing,
        •  The  first  5G  solution  for  one  of  the   and  President  of  Nokia  Bell  Labs,  said:   and  millimeter  Wave  have  enabled  5G
          world’s largest events, the Hajj in Saudi   “The  past  12  months  of  Nokia’s  5G   Release  15,  and  new  innovations  in  5G
          Arabia,  using  VR  to  allow  visitors  to   milestones and successes stem from our   unlicensed  spectrum and Industrial  IoT
          experience Hajj remotely as if they are   years of research into 5G and the resulting   are  leading  the  digital  transformation  to
          present on site                    innovative technologies  are changing   industrial automation and Industry 4.0. In
        •  Nokia,  together  with  its  partners  and   the  world  for  consumers  and  industries.   addition, Nokia has played a key leadership
          customers,  have  also  achieved  10   “Whether  enabling  new  geographies  to   role  in  driving  the  first  set  of  globally
          regional firsts in 5G, including:  experience  the  possibilities  of  5G  for  the   interoperable   5G   standards   through
        •  The first outdoor pilot of 5G New Radio   first  time,  pushing  technology  to  define   its  contribution  to  the  3GPP  standards
          on 3.5GHz frequency band in Singapore,   new  limits  and  deliver  groundbreaking   organization.
          in partnership with StarHub        performance, or achieving 5G firsts never
        •  The  first  nationwide  5G  coverage  in   before seen,  Nokia’s end-to-end portfolio

                                             Jawwal Leading Local Market on Social Media

        Jawwal  launches  its  new  customer  care   customer base at all times and locations.   use of social media, Jawwal is leading the
        services platform over Telegram adding it   For  the  past  20  years,  Jawwal  was  a   telecom market in Palestine by introducing
        to other social media platforms launched   pioneer  in  utilizing  new  technologies  to   innovative  solutions  to  further  enhance
        previously   on   Whatsapp,   facebook   serve  its  customers,  offering  them  the   corporate brand image and customer care
        Messenger,  Viber,  Skype,  Instagram  and   best commercial offers and listen to their   services.
        Snapchat;  aiming  to  reach  out  for  its   feedback. With today’s technology and vast

                                             PCCW Global Named as Supplier on Crown Comm-
                                             ercial Service Education Technology Framework

        PCCW  Global,  the  international  operating   premises,  testing  of  fibre,  and  “last  mile”   supplier in  the  Education  Technology
        division  of  HKT,  Hong  Kong’s  premier   installation. PCCW Global is also approved   framework  is  an  exciting  opportunity  for
        telecommunications  service provider,  is   to provide connectivity services including   the  company  to  deliver  its  wide  array  of
        pleased to announce that it has been named   the supply of full fibre broadband services   high-quality communication services into
        as  a  supplier  on  the  Crown  Commercial   (new  services/upgrades  of  existing),   this key sector. Crown Commercial Service
        Service  (CCS)  Education  Technology   support and maintenance, Internet filtering,   supports  the  public  sector  in  seeking  to
        framework  to  provide  broadband  fiber   firewall, e-Safety and IP connectivity. This   achieve maximum commercial value when
        infrastructure  and  broadband  services  to   agreement,  which  runs  until  June  2022,   procuring common goods and services. In
        all public sector educational organizations   assures  that  PCCW  Global’s  services   2018/19, CCS helped the public sector to
        in the United Kingdom following a rigorous   are  now  available  to  all  public  sector   achieve  commercial  benefits  worth  £945
        tender  process.  Under  the  agreement,   educational  organizations  including  million  -  supporting  world-class  public
        PCCW Global will be able to provision the   schools, academies, colleges, universities   services that offer best value for taxpayers.
        design and installation of broadband fibre   and  other  educational  establishments   Ms. Paula Benoit, Chief Executive Officer of
        infrastructure,  provision  the  fibre  to  the   in  the  United  Kingdom.  Inclusion  as  a   PCCW Global Networks (UK) Limited, said,

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